𝟎𝟏𝟎. ( can't deny it anymore )

636 11 30

❝ nobody ever could break your heart like soda can. ❞

IN THE DEPTHS OF her despair, she wandered aimlessly through the city, feeling lost and broken. 

meanwhile, the boy was torn inside. despite the words he had spoken, he still held feelings for athena. he was trapped in a complicated situation with his current girlfriend, who was only using him for personal gains. he felt torn between his loyalty to her and his true feelings for the girl he had just kissed. 

back in her solitude, athena struggled with her emotions, trying to come to terms with the reality she had faced. soda doesn't love me, he doesn't want me. suddenly, she rams right into a strong figure that stands completely still.

it's dallas winston, thanks to her luck. "get the fuck out of my way." she pushes herself off him and tries running from him, but he pulls her back.

"what did soda do?" dally asks, a strange look of concern on his face that she's never seen before.

"how do you know this is about sodapop?" athena beseechs, her head starting to ache from her anger. 

"it's always been about soda." dally says, "nobody could ever break your heart like soda can." 

"for one, i broke his heart in the first place." athena crosses her arms to her chest.

"and nobody could ever break soda's heart like you can either." dally remarks. athena grows impatient by him bothering her when all she wants is to binge watch movies for the rest of the day. 

"whatever, get out of my way." athena pushes past him and trudges down the street. hanging her head in despair and confusion. does he even love his girlfriend, what even is her name anyways? 

oh right, her name is serena. serena williams.

how does athena know her name? the other day, athena planned on formatting an evil plan to get rid of serena. athena has never been the type to hate others, but she really did hate serena williams.

as athena approached the rusted brown door that stood as a weathered sentinel, bearing the passage of time etched into its surface, she realized that she hoped that nobody would be home. it's a tuesday morning which usually means that her mother and brother both have work today. 

athena didn't, thankfully. she unlocked the door with her steel key and stepped inside the spacious house that she has called home for forever now. thinking about home brings a nauseous feeling to her stomach. home has always been a place where her dad was, the dad that never gave two shits about her.

she's always given two shits for him, though. everyday she tried to make her dad somewhat proud of her, failing every single time.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
ᵗʷᵒ ʸᵉᵃʳˢ ᵃᵍᵒ!

athena walks into her household, the house she has called home for the longest time. the place where she has been the most vulnerable, the place where she didn't feel at home whatsoever. 

that day, she had finally gotten a good grade on her science test. science was her worst subject, and she finally got over a c. 

𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐢'𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 ˢᵒᵈᵃᵖᵒᵖ ᶜᵘʳᵗⁱˢWhere stories live. Discover now