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"Good morning, sunshine" a deep voice sang

"Get out, Derek" I swatted for his head but he was out of reach

"Aren't you going to get out of bed?" I could hear him moving around the room

"I don't have to be up until seven thirty and it's only....EIGHT!!" I yelled jumping out of bed, "why didn't you wake me?"

"What am I doing standing here then?" I could her Derek laughing as I rummaged in my closet for an outfit that was semi decent.

"What's it like outside?" I asked frantically sniffing for clean clothes

"The forecast for Phoenix, Arizona today is warm and bright" Derek said putting on a fake newscaster voice

We lived in Scottsdale, a rich part of Phoenix Arizona. It was the type of place where going to the country club for teas were the usual and playing either tennis, soccer, or lacrosse deemed you socially acceptable by parental standards.

"Thanks." I said sarcastically, finally deciding on a red plaid top, knee length leggings and my black converse.

"Get out" I grumbled pushing Derek out of my room so I could shower in the bathroom me and Abby had attached to our room. I didn't even bother looking at Abby's bed on the far side of the room; I knew she was already gone. Tardy slips weren't her thing.

My shower took a total of five minutes and soon I was bounding down the stairs to join my family for breakfast...

"Where is everyone?" I muttered

"Up early aren't you?" My dad smiled Turning on the coffee filter.

"Why are you still in your robe?" I asked

"Because I'm always in my robe at this time?" My dad was the district attorney where we lived and was always up and ready...or so I thought

"Uhm no, your usually yelling at us to get ready. Where are the guys?"

"Sleeping?" Dad looked at me like I was strange

"How? Why?"

"It's a part of their natural body rhythm and it's four in the morning"

"WHAT!!!!" I screamed

"Are you okay?" Mom ran down the stairs with a baseball bat in her hands

"What are you going to do, mom? Bat the thief to death?" Derek began laughing.

"You little-" I took off after him up the stairs.

"Leave me alone!" He yelled

"I’m going to kill you! And then I will kill you again" he took a left at the top of the stairs and ran to dads office

"You and what army?" Derek challenged standing behind dad’s desk

"This one" Rashad and Abby pushed past me into the room

"What do you all think you are doing?" Derek shrieked

"This is the third time in two weeks you have done this to us. We thought some payback was in order" Rashad said slowly creeping towards him

"Can't we talk this out?"

"I don't think so" Abby smiled sweetly and opened the fanny pack at her waist

"What is that?" Derek asked

"You're FOTD" Abby and Rashad descended on him and he was lost in a sea of screams

"What did you do to me?" Derek cried on the way to school

"Abby just did your eye shadow, blush, and contoured your face" Rashad grinned from beside me in the backseat

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