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“You guys need to chill” I said holding Rashad and Derek back. Mom parked in front of the hall they were using for the debutante’s ball and rushed in to help the rest of the chair out.

“Chill? How aren’t you angry?” Derek ran a hand through his hair

“I am but this debutante’s ball is a big deal to mom. We can’t let this get in the way” I sighed

“Well good on you, Dr.Love” Rashad said sarcastically and walked into the hall. Derek looked at me and followed him

“Welcome, welcome” A bright eyed blonde sang as we walked through the doors, “Please check in with the table monitor to see where you will be sitting to consult your designated ball coordinator” I stared at her blankly as she pointed to a middle aged woman wearing a pant suit off to her right

“Okay…Lawson’s? You’re at table 15” She smiled at us. Mom had arranged for the three of us to sit together and while, at first, I was happy about that, now it was more of a curse.  I glumly followed Derek and Rashad to one of the large round tables filling up the room. At the head of each table was what I supposed were the ‘ball coordinators’. They were all holding clip boards and all had ear pieces and walkie talkies

Derek sat two seats down from the ball coordinator with Rashad beside him and me on the other side of him, one space from the coordinator

“Hi ya’ll, I’m Shay. Let’s just wait for the rest of the group to show up and we will begin” our coordinator was a pretty brunette who had a slight Texas accent, a heart shaped face and Taylor swift curls cascading down her back.

“Who needs em” Derek grinned slowly at her and I knew he liked her. Ugh

The room began getting packed and I noticed a couple of familiar faces sitting at our table. I recognized Dayan Martin from bio with her tall gazelle like frame and poofy black hair, Mason Ward from chem with his perpetual ‘I hate you’ glare, and Rebecca Swenning from English with her beach blonde locks.

“Who knew you’d be here?” A deep voice whispered in my ear. I turned to find Brad smiling down at me. He was wearing a crisp white button down and slacks.

“Well it depends on whose asking” I grinned, “is this your table?”

“Unfortunately not. I’m at table 19” He said pointing across the room to where ten kids or so sat. Among those ten kids was, as my luck would have it, Cynthia

“Great” I muttered

“Yeah” He smiled oblivious to my sullen state, “Catch you later. Hey Shad, Hey Derek”

My brothers didn’t even acknowledge his presence.

“I can’t stand that guy” Derek muttered once brad had walked away

“Since when?” I laughed slightly

“Since he started playing you” Derek said giving me a wicked grin

“Bro” rashad said in a warning tone

“Your right” Derek shook his head and looked onwards.

“The famous Lawson’s all in one place? To what do I owe this serendipitous surprise?” Lucas said in mock shock. He stood at the edge of the table in his usual ensemble; Plaid shirt, Henley tee, jeans and his chuck Taylors. It worked on him

“Hey dude” Derek laughed.

“Sup” Rashad nodded at Lucas

“There’s an empty seat right here” Shay chirped patting the seat beside her…and me

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