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“WAKE UP ASHLEY!” I heard a loud, overly perky, voice yell in my ear. What time was it?

“No” I moaned flipping onto my side

“You better get your lazy butt up before I pull you off that soccer team” The voice said frustratingly

“Mom, you can’t use that as a threat every time” I sighed grudgingly plopping out of bed

“Get off the ground, a lady doesn’t act the way your acting” Mom put her hands on her hips

“I guess you gave birth to a man” I muttered

“Excuse me?” Mom stared down at me and I sighed

“I’m getting up, im getting up”

“Hurry up and take a shower, your brothers are all ready” She said lightly tapping my bum as I walked, more like stomped, past her

“Ready for what?” I moaned but I instantly knew.

“The debutante’s ball meeting, silly. Derek's car is still at the shop so im taking you all” Mom smiled at me and sauntered out of the room.

The debutante’s ball, although the focus was on the girls, was just as much for the boys. The same way it signaled the transition to womanhood, for girls, it signaled the transition to manhood, for boys. It used, like back in my moms day,  to be called the Debutante and Bachelor ball but guys started boycotting it because it seemed like another way for their moms to dress them up and it just wasn’t cool enough. Now it was Just as much of a rite of passage for girls as it is for boys. Simply speaking, without guys, this whole thing would be a sham. Girls had to ask a boy (or a bachelor if you were still stuck in the 1800’s) and guys got to ask a girl if they wanted to. The day of, they would be formally introduced alongside their dates, enjoy a waltz on the dance floor, and be fed the most decadent of meals the world had to offer. Or so my mom says.

I settled on a light blue strapless maxi dress, paired it with gladiators and tried to wrestle my hair into what resembled an elegant bun.

“It looks like a bird died in your hair” Rashad shrieked when I got to the kitchen. Rashad was wearing a white cotton tee and jeans while Derek opted for a stupid yellow striped shirt and board shorts. They both stood around the island looking bored

“Kids, give me fifteen minutes! I have to run to the post office for your father, you better be ready when I get back” Mom said grabbing her car keys and flying out the door

“What are you wearing?” Abby muttered walking into the kitchen, staring Derek down.

“It’s just a meeting, no one important is gonna be there. Why dress up?” Derek shrugged and continued texting on his phone

“Well your shirt is obnoxious” Abby rolled her eyes

“Dude, it’s not even eight am yet. What’s your deal?” Derek raised his eyebrows at Abby

“My DEAL is that you’re an idiot!” Abby yelled

“Abs, calm down” Rashad said slowly, “Everyone knows Derek’s an idiot. It’s nothing new”

“Dude!” Derek was obviously slightly offended that Rashad hadn’t come to his defense

“Well guys are idiots and I hate them all!” Abby threw the fridge open and grabbed the milk

“I’m sorry about that” Rashad laughed

“You guys just do whatever you want without thinking of the possible implications it may serve and then think a stupid sorry will save the day!” Abby angrily ripped into a box of cheerios, “Well I’ve got news for ya! It won’t”

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