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“Looking good, Ashley” Andy grinned approvingly in bio

“Thanks” I said with a smile. If it were any other day I would’ve punched the creep out but today it felt nice to hear.

“Who are you and what have you done with my project partner?” Lucas said entering the classroom, “Am I in an alternate universe?”

“Abby gave me a makeover” I laughed

“Is that…Is that lavender I smell?” Lucas fingered my hair like it was a foreign object “Is that product in it?”

“Just tell me I look nice for god sakes” I snapped. I don’t know why I wanted Lucas’ confirmation.

“You look better than good” Lucas mumbled so quietly that I almost didn’t hear him speak

“Thanks” I replied even quieter

“Ashley?” Brad walked into class and gave me a once over

“I went for a change” I blushed

“Wow…” He seemed at a loss for words, “Um…You know our practices, um, are going to…start, um, today”

“Are you okay Brad?” I asked gently. On the inside I was jumping for joy at the fact that he was getting tongue tied.

“Yeah, never been better” he said snapping his eyes from my skirt

“So I’ll see you later?” I asked

“Yeah, I mean, definitely. For sure” Now he was the one piling it on thick. I gave Lucas a thumb up and he gave me a weak one back

“What’s eating you?” I asked

“Nothing…I’m good” He replied.


“So, what’s this issue with coach?” Brad asked that day during our first private practice. The only time we could actually practice was on Monday’s and Wednesday’s because those were the only days the team didn’t practice

“He doesn’t think I have my eye on the prize” I mumbled. It really sucked having to put all my pretty into  my soccer bag. Now, I was plain old Ashley, with a hint of lip gloss J

“OH that sucks” Brad sympathized dribbling the ball

“Hopefully I can prove to you that I am worthy so you can tell coach to let me play the Trifecta’s” I sighed

“The Trifecta’s without you would be like peanut butter without jelly, useless. You were kind of one of the good things about going to the Trifecta’s. Aside from winning” He grinned looking away

“Oh, Bwaddd!” I giggled putting on a baby voice

“Shut up” he laughed turning slightly pink, “Let’s start with drills”

“That was exhausting” I said after me and Brad finished playing one on one

“You really put up a fight” Brad huffed dropping to the ground

“I’m just that amazing” I said joining him

“You really are” He said turning to look at me. Now it was my turn to turn pink

“I’m sorry” He quickly said

“For what?”

“I just don’t want you to feel…weird, I guess” He said playing with blades of grass

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