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The next couple of weeks flew by with me constantly avoiding Brad and Lucas any time I could and also prepping for the debutante’s ball. Aside from practicing and doing our project, I spent my days holed up in my room either crying or being mad. There literally was no in between.

Meet me at Mickey’s? I texted Brad asking him to meet me at the popular restaurant where everyone from our school hung out on a Thursday during last period

Sure thing, babe ;) I smiled at his text.

“After you” Brad grinned holding the door to the restaurant open for me. I grinned back and stepped through. The inside of the place looked like an afterschool special with kids milling around at all areas.

“Oh look, Cynthia’s here” I smiled looking up at Brad

“So?” He asked me confused

“Just sayin’” I looked at him weird and sat down in the booth beneath us, “I’ll take a milkshake. Make it thick”

I smiled at the waitress once she came to take our orders

“I’ll take the same thing” Brad laughed

“You sure?” I asked him

“Why not?”

“So, how’s life going?” I asked once the waitress left

“Its definitely going but lucky me, I’ve got the hottest girl in school with me”

“You think I’m hot?” I laughed blushing

“totally” He smiled

“Thanks” I muttered as the waitress set our milkshakes down in front of us

“So you love me?” I looked at him

“Totally” He said looking over my head. I didn’t even have to turn to see who he was looking at

“Well, I don’t think your being honest when you say that, Bradley” I said raising my voice slightly. Brad looked at me confused and laughed nervously

“What are you talking about, babe?”

“I’ve figured it out” I spat. The entire diner quieted and I swear I heard a pin drop

“what do you mean?” Brad said aghast

“You, being the idiot you are, thought that you could use me to make another girl jealous”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’ve already asked that” I said pouting my lips slightly

“I heard when Cynthia broke up with you, you were groveling.” I turned to Cynthia and shrugged

“To be perfectly honest, I know why you dumped him” Cynthia gave me an amused look

“And why’s that?” She said playing into my speech

“Because he’s the worst kisser” I laughed. The entire diner roared with laughter, “It was like spitsville”

“Have you seen the inside of his car? Talk about disgusting” Cynthia winked at me

“And his BO from practice?” I shook my head. Brad stared at me shocked

“What the heck are you doing?” He yelled

“Calling you out” I smirked, “I’m not the type of girl you mess with, Bradley.”

“And im not the type of girl you try to make jealous” Cynthia sauntered over to our table, “I knew what you were trying to do since the beginning”

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