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“Are we still on for today after school?” I asked Lucas one morning.

It had been two weeks since the Abby fiasco and things still weren’t normal. Every day since then, an awkward cycle had begun; Wake up, awkward breakfast, go to school, practice with Brad or project with Lucas, go home, awkward dinner, sleep. This morning’s breakfast hadn’t been any less awkward for the family;

MOM: Good morning children *says this super loud and overcompensating-like*

DAD: Gather round the table for breakfast *insert Mr. Rogers laugh*

RASHAD: mmm, tofu bacon. Your favorite, Abby *Creepenesque smile*

ABBY: hmph

DEREK: It tastes delicious *trying to not gag*

ABBY: hmph hmph

ME: You should really take a bite of this loveliness *Trying not to gag but fails*

ABBY: hmph hmph hmph. Bye

MOM: Where are you going? *Caring mother of the year voice*

ABBY: Away from the Brady Bunch *front door slams*

                                    THE END

“Yeah, your house this time” Lucas grinned rolling up the sleeves of his blue plaid shirt. He paired it with his usual jeans and converse.

“Maybe not. Abby’s still depressed” I sighed

“Hey Ashley” Brad smiled leaning over mine and Lucas’ joint table, “Hey Lawrence”

“You’ve gotta be the stupidest person to have walked the earth” Lucas rolled his eyes and walked away

“Did I do something?” Brad asked furrowing his eyebrows

“Well, you call him by everything BUT his name” I said honestly

“I’m not trying to be a bad guy; I just don’t know his name”

“You’ve been dating his sister since the eighth grade, I doubt that” I said lightly


“Never mind, it’s no big deal” I said quickly, earning a glare from Lucas who stood a little ways from us. I couldn’t help notice that he was talking to Celeste Silverstein. Celeste was average height and thin, with dark brown hair, pale skin, and super red lips. She was actually stunning, in a Bella Swan type of way.

“…Alright?” Brad suddenly came into focus and I realized he must have been speaking while I was sizing Celeste up.

“Yeah, totally” I mumbled quickly

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow for our one on one” He looked at me for a while before gently bending and placing a kiss on my lips. Almost immediately, a loud crash sounded from Celeste’s table.

“You kids really should be more careful” Mr. Ray sighed grabbing a broom and dust pan

“Sorry, it just slipped” Lucas muttered staring at the broken Petri dish. He looked up at me and quickly looked away.

“Lawrence’s got butter fingers, huh?” Brad joked


“OMG I heard Lucas totally threatened to stab Brad with a Petri dish shard because he got his name wrong” Tom gossiped at lunch. I sat across him and laughed out loud

“Where do you get this stuff?”

“I totally made it up, it’s crazy what the kids at this school will believe” He whispered, “OH MY GAWD! Lucas is feisty”

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