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"Love me like you do, Love me like you do" My phone blasted Justin Bieber's melodious voice

"You should really change that" Rashad muttered distastefully. 

“Mom?” I hurriedly picked up my phone

“Give the phone to Abby” Mom fumed

“Why didn’t you just call HER phone, that’s kind of what phone's are for” Derek looked at me questioningly and I rolled my eyes and mouthed ‘mom’

“She isn’t picking up” Mom sighed. I could mentally picture her walking around in frustration.

“I doubt she’ll answer me but fine” I made a big show of getting off the couch and went upstairs

“ABBY!” I yelled, “MOM’S ON THE PHONE”

“I get you hate me right now but you really need to talk to mom” I said pressing against the door.

“Abs” I sighed jiggling the door. It opened

“Abby?” I stared at her made bed confused

“Is she ignoring you?” I could hear mom but my mind was elsewhere

“ABBY” I screamed hoping she would appear, “ABBY?”

“Abby answer her already, I’m getting a migraine” Derek pushed through the door

“Where’d she go?” Derek asked me

“Probably through that window” Rashad muttered staring at the open window between both our beds

“Mom, Abby’s gone” My breath caught

“GREAT! We lost our sister” I murmured pacing the kitchen. Mom instructed us to wait at home in case she came back, while she drove to all of her friend’s houses.

“YOU lost her. If you hadn’t had stupidly promise that you wouldn’t tell mom, none of this would happen” Derek said blaming an accusing finger at me

“Me? YOU guys are supposed to be the big brothers! Not me. YOU guys are supposed to watch out for us!”

“Typical little Ashley, playing the victim card” Derek scoffed

“Stop. This isn’t helping anyone right now” Rashad let out a deep breath

“I can’t just stand here doing nothing knowing our sister is out there somewhere” I angrily cracked my knuckles

“Then let’s go” Derek looked around wide eyed, “I don’t care if we’re supposed to wait here. Mom can’t find her on her own”

“I don’t know…” Rashad trailed off

“Then your free to stay” Derek grabbed his jacket off the couch

“But your cars still in the shop” Rashad said putting a hole in our idea

“When’s the last time you rode your bike?” Derek said mischievously.

Ten minutes later, we were biking through the streets at top speed

“WE don’t even know where we’re going” Rashad yelled over the wind

“Yes, we do” Derek turned back, “We’re going to the bud of this problem”


“What do you guys want?” Alex opened the door wearing a pair of black pajama bottoms, no shirt, and an ice pack on his face

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