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“So, how was your date?” Lucas asked once we were done a bit of research

“Pardon?” I said choking on my milk

“I mean…You were having such a great time that you forgot about our project so I’m assuming you like him?” Lucas fiddled with his straw. Who used a straw to drink milk anyways?

“I already said sorry for that” I huffed.

“And I’m not mad. I’m just simply asking a question that I thought deserved an answer unless you don’t wan to” Lucas babbled

“Um…okay?” I was slightly confused now. We went back to our work and soon I felt Lucas’ eyes on me

“So…it’s serious?” Lucas asked

“Lucas! We’ve only really hung out once” I laughed a little embarrassed

“Oh” Lucas seemed at a loss for words, “So you really like him?”

“What is this, twenty questions?” I grumbled

“I’m prying, aren’t i?” Lucas immediately stopped and soon I felt bad

“Sorry. It’s just so weird” I sighed

“What is?” Lucas looked at me with his big brown eyes

“Brad. And Derek and All the guys on the soccer team and Trina the Latina” I said bitterly

“Trina the Latina?” Lucas grinned a little bit.

“That’s what Derek and coincidentally all the guys call her”

“Let me take a guess, that’s what spawned Ashley two point o?” Lucas turned to me fully and I turned pink

“Of course not! I would never change for a guy” Even though I did, I felt embarrassed saying it to Lucas. Everyone at school saw me as this incredibly strong girl who would rather have an arm wrestle than go on a date but to be honest, they were all wrong. There was a part of me that was exactly that but there was also a side that listened to one direction and watched the notebook religiously. That was the part I kept under wraps, until now.

“Good…” Lucas trailed off. WE descended into an awkward silence, “You’re perfect the way you are” Lucas mumbled reaching over my hand for an eraser. At that exact moment we both looked at each other and I couldn’t even describe how I felt. My breathing slowed for a bit and I just stared. I stared at everything. His deep brown eyes, the scar he had over his left eye from falling off his bike in the third grade, his long black eyelashes, the dimples at the corner of his lips, and the way his cheeks were especially rosy. If you had asked me at that moment what I was thinking, I wouldn’t be able to tell you.

“What are you doing?” I wouldn’t be able to answer that either

“Mom…” Lucas snapped his eyes from mine and looked up to his mom who had materialized at the kitchen door. She was wearing a black pencil skirt and a dark green blouse. Her dark hair was professionally piled atop her head and her makeup was expertly dark and smoky. It emphasized her green eyes and natural tan.

“I thought you were doing school work” She said sourly

“We were...I mean we are” Lucas pointed at the papers. I noticed he still hadn’t moved his hand or anything, for that matter

“Hello, Ashley” She gave me this look that made me want to crawl into my shoes

“Hello, Ms.Munk” I murmured moving away from Lucas as much as I could without looking obvious

“Oh, don’t move for me, Ashley. You just continue doing whatever it was you were doing” She noticed. What did she think  I was doing?

“Oh, we weren’t doing anything ma’am. We were just doing this project, it’s more confusing than you would think” Lucas seemed to suck in his breath and I didn’t understand why

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