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“How long did he look at you for?” Tom, resident drama geek, gushed when I told him about the Lucas incident during lunch. Even though Tom was a guy, he was the closest thing I had to a girlfriend in this God forsaken place, so I utilized our friendship to the fullest.

Tom had a mess of dark brown curls that covered his head, was about 6 feet tall and lithe with golden, sometimes pasty, skin. He walked with an excited air to him that made him seem to spew sunlight and rainbows, but trust me, he didnt ; He was pretty morbid, at times. Tom also had these incredibly clear green eyes that i wish my father could've possesed in order to pass down to me, but no, he didnt.

I had heard many people around school say he was pretty identical to Robert Sheehan, minus the hot accent, and i had to agree.  Tom was actually adorable, if you were into colored jeans and fedora's

Anyways, He came to me whenever his parents rejected his ideas of becoming a professional actor and I went to him whenever I had boy troubles. By boy troubles I mean Derek trouble. This was my first ACTUAL boy problem. YES!

“Maybe I read too much into it? I mean, it is Lucas...” I asked unsure

“It is Lucas, what?” Rashad huffed dropping down in the empty seat beside Tom. And look who so happened to be with him?

“Sister” Derek saluted me, “Drama freak”

“His name is Tom, bonehead” I said flicking a pea at him

“My sincerest of apologies, drama freak Tom” Derek giggled. He actually giggled

“Hey, there’s Sherry! Maybe I should call her over?”

“No! For the love of God, no” Derek pleaded

“Why are you hiding from your girlfriend?” Tom asked unwrapping his ham and cheese sandwich

“My girlfriend is funny and soft spoken and even a little sassy at times. THAT girl over there is crazy and stalkerish, definitely not my girlfriend” Derek grabbed my Gatorade and chugged the entire thing

“I spit in that” I grinned

“Not the first time” He said sticking his tongue out and draining the rest of the drink

“Back to important business now” Tom looked at me over the table with his clear eyes, “how long was the stare?”

“Who’s staring at you?” Rashad asked at the same time Derek went, “Is someone creeping on you?” God bless their souls but sometimes my brothers were a little much.

“No, no. I’m not being creeped upon” I rolled my eyes

“Lucas Munk gave her a look” Tom smiled happily into his sandwich. Rashad and Derek looked at each other and soon all I could hear were their laughs. A couple tables turned to see where the noise was coming from.

“Ashley, are you serious?”Derek was now holding his sides to contain himself

“Is it so crazy that maybe, just maybe, someone gave me a look?” I pouted

“Kind of” Rashad said which offset another chorus of laughs from Derek. Now I actually understood why they were laughing, I would’ve been laughing too if my pride weren’t on the line. I was the ‘guy’s girl’ ; the girl who played tackle football with the boys while all the other girls Ooh-ed and Aaah-ed about their new training bra’s. I was the girl who considered a messy bun an elegant hairstyle. I was the one who would rather pump air into her soccer ball as opposed to giggling with the other girls about the cute boys on the team. The one who… I think you get the point now. Simply stated, I wasn’t exactly girlfriend material to a lot of guys.

“Okay, that’s enough” I sighed. They had now been laughing for three minutes

“Please?” Rashad quieted down but Derek kept sputtering so I did what I had to do.

“Hey, Sherry, Derek wants to talk to you!” I yelled across the cafeteria where Sherry sat. She bounded up to our table and gave a big smile

“Derek, I haven’t seen you all day! I thought we could spend lunch together and talk” She tossed her dyed red hair over her shoulder.

“About what?” Derek gave me a deathly glare

“Everything!” She laughed and grabbed his arm

“I’m going to kill you” Derek whispered before being whisked away

“Ash, I wouldn’t read into it so much” Rashad said once he’d sobered

“I won’t. I mean, I’ve known Lucas since forever” I said popping a cheeto into my mouth

“Forever isn’t exactly a set date” A new voice came over my head

“LUCAS!” I choked on my cheeto and had to try to hack up whatever got stuck in my throat.

“Are you okay?” Lucas said with genuine worry

“Perfectly fine. Stuff like this always happens to me”

“So, why were you guys talking about knowing me forever?” He asked moving to the side where Tom sat so he get a clear view of me

“Oh, I bet you want to know…So, yeah. I’m going to tell you why…~”

“She was just saying that your project was going to get done well because you guys have known each other for so long and stuff” Rashad said smoothly

“Oh, yeah totally” Lucas nodded. What followed was an awkward silence that ensued for far too long

“So…I’m assuming you had a message because you came here” Tom said light heartedly

“Oh yeah! So I was thinking that we should probably start the lesson thing today so we can cover all our bases and not feel rushed for time” Lucas said hopefully

“We have practice today” I said

“Till four thirty right? You could come over and we could figure out exactly what we need to know and regroup on Monday to start the nitty gritty. It wouldn’t take long at all”

“Yeah, that sounds great” I smiled at Lucas.

“Okay, I’ll just pick you up from practice then” Lucas grinned at me and began to back away

“He really isn’t like the dork’s you see on TV” Tom observed, “I mean, he has none of the Sheldon Cooper naivety or the Dexter annoyingness. He doesn’t even have the Urkle sense of style”

“Did you just call me a dork?” Lucas furrowed his eyebrows and came back to the table. Tom looked at Lucas and shrugged in a smug way. Now, I’ve known Lucas for years and one thing I knew for sure was that he didn’t let people push him around. It was hard to explain. Lucas was smart and liked stupid stuff like LARP-ing but he was also strong and sarcastic and a little scary when aggravated.

“Maybe” Tom laughed but me and Rashad shook our heads mutely

“I’m not a dork. Nor am I a nerd. The term I choose to be associated with is geek. I’m a sci-fi geek. NOT a dork” Lucas said quietly. To drill his point home, he flicked a loose piece of ham that landed right in between Tom’s thick eyebrows, “I bet you’ve never seen a dork with good aim”

“I stand corrected. He also doesn’t have the klutz factor” Tom said wiggling his brows to remove the lunch meat




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