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What had I done?

I layed on my back mulling over every detail of the day, confused. Why did I kiss him back? Why did I stupidly let my body take over?

"Girls? Dinner" Mom quietly knocked on mine and Abby's door

"I'm not hungry" We both said, surprising each other.

"I'll put your plates in the microwave, then" Mom said looking at me confused

Mom left the room and I continued my self-pity party

"What's eating you?" Abby asked a couple seconds later. I turned to see her sitting on her bed cross-legged

"Nothing" I muttered looking back at the ceiling

"Ash, you can talk to me" I heard the springs of her bed creak as she jumped onto mine, "Talk to the doctor"

I looked at her for a couple seconds, wondering whether I should actually unleash it all

"My love life is on the fritz!" I moaned

"Well, that's something I never thought I'd hear you say" Abby intoned

"Are you here to help me, or?"

"I'm kidding. Tell me your problems" So I did. I told her about Brad, I told her about his knack for getting Lucas' name wrong, and I told her about the kiss

"He kissed you?!" Abby screamed falling off the bed

"What's the big deal?" I asked helping her up

"The 'big deal' is that I've imagined how a kiss from Lucas would be like since the very day of my birth. Lucas is a Greek Adonis" Abby physically shuddered, "Trust me, I've seen him with his shirt off"

"I don't think he's Greek" I said. I was pretty sure he was Italian

"That's beside the point. Lucas is gorgeous" Abby shrugged, "Was the kiss earth splitting?"

Abby looked at me with wide eyes and I stared back at her.

"It was soul shaking Abby!" I gushed, "It was like a billion little electric currents had gone off in my body and I didn't want them to stop!"

Abby jumped up and down, excited

"So, why did you act like a total idiot afterward?" Abby asked confused

"I don't know!" I cringed remembering the way I had gulped for air like a fish, "I just kept seeing brad in my head and I felt so slimy, Abs! No one deserves that"

"How was the kiss with Brad?"

"With who?" I asked momentarily confused

"You don't even remember him" Abby laughed out loud

"Well you need to make a decision" Abby said looking at me, "Do you have underlying feelings for Lucas?"

My feelings for Lucas weren't underlying they were overlying. They were fogging up my brain and confusing me so much.

The next morning I woke up late, all thanks to my confession session with Abby the night before.

"You better hurry up. Everyone's left" Mom murmured grabbing her keys from the counter

"Thanks" I grunted hefting my bag with me out the door, with her in tow

"So, what was that with you and Abby last night?" Mom asked once we had settled into the car

"Nothing" I said quietly looking out the window. I really didn't want to talk about my feelings with my mom today. How was I going to tell her that, today, I was going to break up, even though we were never really dating, with my supposed dream guy and profess my feelings for the geek I'd known my whole life? How was I supposed to tell her that the tingliness I had felt with Lucas, I hadn't even felt a fraction of with Brad? How was I supposed to sum up my feelings for Lucas when, even I, didn't understand them yet? The only thing I was certain about was that I liked being with Lucas and at this point that was all that mattered.

I watched as we whipped past houses and wondered when, exactly, my life had gotten so complex.

"Thanks for the ride mom" I leaned over my seat and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before hopping out of the car. I didn't even wait to see her car backup before hightailing it into school.

Judging by the amount of kids mulling around, I knew I wasn't as late as I had thought I would be. I walked into bio class expecting to be reprimanded for being late but actually only receiving a nod from Mr. Ray.

"What's going on?" I asked Mr. Ray as I stared at kids high fiving and lounging around

"Bryan finally has enough credits to graduate" Mr. Ray smiled pointing to Bryan Fickleman who was actually supposed to have finished high school five years ago but never went to enough classes to do so, "I thought it was cause for celebration"

Bryan was big and burly with close cropped blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Bryan was a nice enough guy but wasn't particularly interesting.

"It's a miracle" I laughed. It wasn't that Bryan was stupid, per say, it was that he thought he was too cool for school and do you know how I knew this? He got it tattooed on his chest last year

Where's Lucas? I asked myself sitting at our table.

"Yeah, it was awesome!" I heard Celeste laugh off to my right.

"For sure" Lucas replied. I whipped my head up to see them standing at Celeste's table, a little closer than they should have been.

"Lucas your hilarious" She said lightly tapping his chest. She tried to play it off but I knew she was actually copping a feel of what Abby liked to call his pecks of justice.

"Oh, hey Ash!" Lucas smiled brightly at me and walked over to our table

"Hey, Lucas" I said confused. Why was he being "I think we should talk"

"Hi Ashley" Celeste said from behind Lucas. Lucas jumped a little surprised

"Oh, Celeste your still here" Lucas furrowed his eyebrows and smiled, "I thought the dark overlords had gotten you"

They both burst into laughter

"What's so funny" I said trying to shimmy my way into the joke

"Oh it's nothing" Celeste laughed at the same moment Lucas said, "This movie we saw"

"Oh you guys saw a movie? Which one?"

"'Attack of the overlords' it was awesome" Celeste beamed

"When did you see it?" I smiled

"Yesterday night" Lucas said slightly embarrassed.

"Oh cool" I said trying to mask my hurt feelings. I obviously didn't expect Lucas to sit at home and cry himself to bed but I also didn't expect him to go out and about with some girl who wasn't me. Yes, I was jealous but rightfully so.

"So are we on for tonight?" Celeste asked Lucas, deepening her voice. Lucas looked at her confused and she laughed, "Daet?"

Celeste said the word funnily, DAY-EAT. I watched Lucas to gauge his reaction

"Oh yeah totally!" Lucas looked excited and I felt my entire world crash down. They were going on a date? What the hell? I knew I wasn't the biggest catch but I at least thought it would take more than an hour or two to get over me. The worst part was, I didn't want Lucas to be over me. I wanted him to still be into me so I could tell him how into him I was and so we could ride off into the sunset playing world of war craft. "Hey, Ash~"

"I've gotta go" I muttered grabbing my backpack and fleeing for the door. I felt the dinner I hadn't eaten threaten to come up and I had to work hard to keep it down. I felt my feet moving underneath me but I didn't know where I was going until I slammed into the front doors of the school. I pushed on them hard and felt the warm air hit my face. I took deep breaths and tried to calm myself down

There was probably a really good explanation for this, right? Me and Lucas had history, surely Celeste was just a short lived conquest to try to repair the broken heart that I wanted to mend so badly.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were a good girl" A deep voice huffed. I turned to find Derek perched on the rails leading up to the schools main doors and laughed to myself

"Just had to get away" I mumbled sitting on the steps underneath him. I stared into the vast expanse of the soccer field to the school entrance's left and sighed.

"Does this have anything to do with a certain someone?" Derek sing-songed

"Tom?" I yelped

"I don't think drama freak is into you" Derek said confused

"No, I mean, TOM" I got up and pointed to where two figures stood making out, in front of the bleachers near the soccer field

"What are you talking about?" Derek replied. I got up and, almost snapping his neck, turned him towards what I was staring at

"They need to get a room" Derek laughed nodding. He still wasn't getting it

"Are you daft? Who else do you know that wears fedoras?" I stared at him as his mouth formed an 'O'

"Holy S~" I didn't even let him finish his sentence as I dragged him down the stairs and neared the couple

"TOM?" I yelled. The couple sprang apart and my mouth, if possible, formed an even wider O

"Sherry?" Me and Derek cried. This was way too confusing. What was Derek's ex doing making out with drama freak Tom? I think it was pretty blatant that he wasn't into her 'type'.

"What are you doing?" Derek screamed. Sherry didn't even look slightly embarrassed

"What's your problem?" Tom laughed

"Since when were you...You know? Into..." I struggled for words

"Why are you kissing a girl?" Derek blurted. I elbowed him in the side

"You can't just ask people why they kiss girls" I whispered harshly.

"Why aren't I kissing a girl?" Tom grinned slightly confused

"Aren't know? Batting for my team" I stuttered. Tom looked at Sherry and they both burst out laughing

"Are you asking me if I'm gay?" Tom asked holding his sides from the laughter

"Dude, you listen to show tunes" Derek sighed

"Because they attract girls. Girls always get with the ungeneric guys" Tom shrugged

"You snap your fingers" Derek listed off

"Because I have finger tourettes. It's not proven or anything but I've been doing it since childhood" Almost instantly, he snapped.

"Bro, you wear colored skinny jeans, for crying out loud!"

"Because...well, I just I thought they were cool" Tom said slightly offended

"So you're straight?" Derek asked furrowing his eyebrows

"Super" Tom confirmed running a hand through his messy hair

"And all these times I thought you were winking at me cuz you wanted a taste of alla diss" Derek murmured earning aloud laugh from Sherry, "What's so funny"

"Alla dat" She said pointing at him, "Isn't that great"

With that she gave Tom a quick kiss on the lips and sauntered away leaving us all staring after her

"So your dating my ex girlfriend?" Derek asked

"Nope" Tom said simply. Derek stared at him for what seemed like millenniums before outstretching his hand and bowing

"Teach me your ways, master"


"You can't just ask people why they kiss girls" LOL SOME MEAN GIRLS-ESQUE HUMOUR FOR YOU ALLLL


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