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“So he’s not gay?” Rashad exclaimed that day at lunch

“No, I’m not” Tom sighed for the hundredth time. He tugged at the collar of his sweater in frustration. Rashad was having some trouble understanding this, “I like girls. I always have”

“Wow, bro” Rashad laughed, “Mind blown”

“And get this; He’s been with half the entire senior class on the lows” Derek said with wonder

“You’re kidding” Rashad breathed

“Even got a lip chart to prove it” Tom laughed showing off his white teeth

“Great, so the closeted straight guy has more conquests than I do” I mumbled quietly

“Don’t worry, Brad’s totally into you” Tom patted my arm. Little did he know but Brad was the last thing on my mind. My mind was all Lucas all the time.

At that precise moment Lucas bustled into the cafeteria and my heart literally seized to beat. On his back, squealing and giggling, was Celeste in all her man snatching glory. Behind them was Cynthia and Alexis, grinning along with them

“Looks like Lucas’ got a girl” Rashad nodded in approval

“She looks like a blank sheet. Where is her melanin?” I spat watching Lucas bounce into the lunch line with a big smile on his face.

“Are you okay?” Rashad placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at me

“I’m perfect. She’s just not all that” I placed a fist under my chin

“Hey, Babe” I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and instantly clinched up. I looked up at Brad and did my best to smile

“Ready for practice tonight?” Brad said deeply. How quick had we gotten to the lovey dovey stage?

“Hey, Rashad” Alexis smiled flirtatiously walking to our table

“Alexis” Rashad muttered not looking up from his sandwich

“You look really nice today” She smiled

“What are you doing here?” Rashad finally asked looking up. The entire cafeteria seemed to descend into quietness and people turned to stare.

“What do you mean?” She asked in a baby voice

“Its exactly as it sounds. What are you doing here?”

“Uhm” She twirled her hair uncomfortable

“Listen, you’ve ruined my sister’s life since the third grade and you single handedly started the rumor about her secretly being a transvestite. What makes you think that I want to talk to you? You’re a horrible human being” Rashad glared at her

“Ashley knows I’m only kidding. We have a love hate relationship; I mean at Keenan’s party she called me out on my extensions. As much as it hurt, I let it go because I knew she didn’t mean it” Alexis plastered on a fake smile.

“After you called her a man” Rashad remarked

“C’mon, that was all in the past!” Alexis was…groveling. And that’s when I realized why she was doing all of this. She was crushing on rashad. Hard

“You sent a group message out this morning saying that Amanda Rushford’s forehead looked like the battle scene after the decepticons fought the autobots”

I heard gasps radiate through the cafeteria and found myself asking two questions. Why was Alexis so horrid? And how did she know what autobots were?

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