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I walked home and couldn’t get to my room quick enough. I thought better of it and knocked on Rashad and Dereks door, knowing Derek wasn’t home.  

“What happened with Eddie?” I said once Rashad opened the door.

“You can’t tell Derek I told you” Rashad said letting me in, “ I’m only telling you because you should know why what you said was so off limits”


“Eddie used to beat Sherry” Rashad went straight to the point

“What, you couldn’t ease me into that?” I shrieked

“I’m sorry! I don’t know how to ease into something like that”

“Anyways. When Eddie would beat Sherry, she would come to school the next day all bruised and she always said she was accident prone. We believed her cuz’…she was hot” Rashad sighed

“And then?”

“Derek started talking to her. I mean, Derek always had this awkward thing for Sherry so I told him to go for it. He kept trying to flirt with her and ask her out but she shut him down every single time. When I asked her why she said that she was dating this college guy named Eddie and I told Derek to back off” Rashad smiled a little

“Let me guess, he didn’t” I shook my head

“Derek? Admit defeat? Never!” Rashad furrowed his eyebrows, “One night he stayed after school with her, against her will and walked her to the parking lot where she said her mom was going to pick her up. When they got there some big dude was standing against a BMW and he was mad!”

“When Derek turned around to leave he heard the guy yelling at Sherry and then he heard someone slap someone. He turned around and Sherry was on the ground”

“Oh my gosh”

“Yeah, Derek went back and messed the dude up big time. Apparently the guy was only good at hand to defenseless girl combat. After that Sherry’s brother made it really hard for Derek to even talk to Sherry cuz’ he didn’t want a part two of the whole thing but Derek proved himself. I think that’s why they’re still together despite Sherry’s season of craziness. Derek really loves her” Rashad looked at me and my entire world came crashing down. What was wrong with me? I always went above and beyond, saying things I shouldn’t. I was so stupid!

“Can you tell Derek I’m sorry?” I asked just as the door opened

“What’s she doing here?” Derek muttered

“She came to~”

“Dude, I don’t care. Get out” Derek physically threw me over his shoulder and dropped me outside their room.

“Ouch” I mumbled. Now what was I going to do?


  “What exactly did she say to you?” Tom asked me the next day at lunch

“She was all, ‘ooh Ashley you’re a man and soccer isn’t the work of a lady’” I mean, that is what she kind of said

“Wow” Tom sighed unwrapping his bologna sandwich

“Why do you always brown bag, Tom?” Rashad huffed slumping in the seat beside me.

“I’ve always brown bagged” Tom said offended

“Well, your not in grade school anymore. Grow up” I looked over at Rashad confused. That was something Derek would say, not Rashad. Rashad, like any other guy, sometimes said things that shouldn’t be said but he never said them to hurt anyone. Rashad was as good as they came

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