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Strong willed Ashley Lawson is determined to reinvent her "tough girl" image as the only girl on an all boys soccer team and become "girlfriend material". On top of being on a team with her two crazy brothers, Ashley has to deal with everyone else's problems. All the guys depend on her to help their relationships survive "heartbreak season" and Ashley is determined to finally get with her 'dream guy' Brad, if only Lucas, the sarcastic and gorgeous geek (not nerd, there's a difference) could stop making her smile so much


 "Cmon ashley! Run, run, run!" Coach Masterson yelled into his mega horn.

I was running as fast as possible with the soccer ball bouncing against my ankle. Derek Lawson was already blocking me and giving me a stupid grin. I could either fake Derek out or take my chances and shoot from where I was. I stood, lifted my foot and shot the ball. Right into his face.

"Oh my God!" Derek yelled as his body hit the ground.

"Karington!" coach yelled at me.

"What?" I said turning to face him. By now the whole team was surrounding Derek asking if he was okay, to which he responded with moans of agony.

"Since when do you aim for peoples' faces?" coach asked me, face red.

"He was blocking my view. You always tell me to not think, just do. So I do'ed what I could" I grinned at him. Coach's face softened but his mouth was still set in a hard line.

"Better hope he doesn't sue" coach said patting my shoulder.

"He wouldn't dare" I said readjusting my knee socks. Coach looked at me and shook his head

"This is what I get for allowing a girl onto my team".

To tell the truth coach had no choice. Especially after I got my aunt Pricsilla, who was a lawyer, and her friend Michelle, who was on school council, on my side.

It all started freshman year when I was freshmeat (who came up with that stupid term anyways?).

Back in middle school we had teams for everything from basketball to ultimate frisby. And we always had separate girls teams and boys teams, but co-ed teams for those who didn't let gender segregate them.

I always enjoyed being on co-ed teams rather then girl teams because I could attack everyone with the same power. I didn't have to worry about whining girls who cared more about they're mascara running then actually showing up to practises.

Anyway, when I got to highschool there were zero co-ed teams and i by zero, i mean zero. I went to the office to see if they could do anything about it but the red head behind the desk kept giving me a pitying look. I decided not to try out for any sports that year but the next year decided I was going to try out for soccer, until I realized there wasn't even a girl's team for that. So I showed up to the boys try outs. All the guys kept giving me looks that were either mocking or confused. Coach started going over the schedule of the tryouts when Derek pointed out that there was "A bra in the crowd" to which everyone laughed at.

"What?" coach said questioningly until he set his eyes on me.

"Um, hi sweetie. Are you lost?" coach said talking to me like I was two.

"No, are you?" I said in a bored voice.

"Ooh" everyone went looking over at coach.

"You can't be here. These are boys tryouts" coach said.

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