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“Pass the ball Burton! Pass the flipping ball!” I cloud hear coach yelling obscenities off the field but right now I was focused on getting the ball from Dennis Burton.

I waited till I was right behind him and slid my foot under his and smoothly got the ball. I switched directions and began running towards the opposite teams goal.

“Ashley, pass it here!” Alex Irigoyen screamed but I blocked him out. I was going for this one by myself. Now, I know what you’re thinking; “ooh, she’s such a ball hog” and you are absolutely right. Normally I would’ve passed the ball but today was different. After yesterdays slip up with Derek’s face and the ball connecting, I wanted to remind coach why I was on the team in the first place. My breathes were coming out in short bursts and with each step closer to the goal, the better I felt.

“It was an accident!” I heard a deep voice yell. I broke my focus and turned to see where the noise was coming from. Brad.

“Really? I have never heard of that being an accident before” Cynthia yelled just as loudly, “You know what? We are through!” Now that stopped me

“What are you doing Karington?” Coach yelled and by the time I snapped back to reality I saw Derek running with the ball. Towards my teams goal.

“Yes!” Derek shrieked as he swiftly kicked the ball into the net.

“Karington what on earth was that? If this had been a real game, you would have cost us the game!” Coach billowed motioning for the team to group around him

“I’m sorry” I murmured looking over his shoulder as Brad walked onto the field.

“Dude, that was messed up” Dennis patted my back gingerly and it took all the strength I had in had in my body not to slap his face, “I mean, yeah you stole the ball but you couldn’t even execute it right”

“I will slap your freckles right off so help me God” I ground out turning to face the red head

“Sorry” Dennis actually got paler, if possible.

“What’s going on?” Brad smiled casually joining the team.

“We should be asking you that exact question” Rashad grinned waggling his eyebrows

“Oh yeah, me and Cynthia weren’t working out so I had to let her go” I didn’t comment on the fact that she actually let him go.

“And heartbreak season commences!! ” Rashad whooped as all the guys jokingly doggy piled on Brad.

“That’s enough, ladies” Coach sighed, “I want five laps around the track for Karington’s screw up”

“What?” Alex groaned, “it was her fault, not ours”

“Don’t care” was coach’s reply

“But we actually won!” Dennis cried

“If that had happened in an official game, there is no doubt in my mind we would have lost. Burton, your technique was weak and Karington’s focus was wavering. Now you tell me, could you have won a game with poor technique and bad focus?” Coach took off his sunglasses and pointed them at Dennis. For a fifty something year old man, coach actually looked pretty good. He had blue eyes, no hair (ha-ha), and was incredibly well built; think Kurt Angle, at least that’s who I compared him to. Coach was like the cool uncle you never wanted to upset because you knew he could take you out in one move. He was also incredibly caring and thoughtful and…

“See? She probably didn’t hear a word I just said!”

“Huh?” I mumbled coming to my senses

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