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Feiyun, the Primordial Herrscher Zwei, looks between Iris, the Primordial Herrscher Eins, then at the person who essentially gave them their current lives (and Herrscher cores), Primordial Herrscher Zeroth, also well-known as Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest, who was sitting on the couch, flanked by her lovers, Veldora Tempest, and Eden on her left and right respectively. That was the least of her concern though, her private life was not Feiyun's concern, and neither does she want to know. More importantly...

"Let me get this straight. You found a potential Herrscher core seeded in a certain parallel universe within Veldanava's various creations?" She repeated the words that Rimuru told her before


"And you want me to go find the vessel of the core before any enemies like Sa detects it."

"I'm not exactly worried about Sa or any enemies in general..." Rimuru hummed in thought, a finger on her chin, "... I'm just worried about a Herrscher being born without a purpose. I wouldn't want it to cause the destruction of a world that Veldanava created."

"Uh-huh. But why me?" Feiyun pointed to Iris with her thumb, "I would think that she would be your first choice for a job like that."

"Well, I was worried at first, but you have changed quite a bit from last time. I'm not worried about you throwing random tantrums and accidentally fighting someone on a whim because they irk you now. Besides, I might still need Iris and her powers here. And after thoroughly running an analysis on that world, I found your powers to be the most suitable to find the Herrscher or the core."

Feiyun was not going to admit that she felt just a little prideful from hearing that, "... That so? Fine, fine. I'll go."

"Ah, but there are a few conditions before I send you there." Rimuru said as Feiyun listened to her next words, "I'll have to modify your body a little so that you can blend in. I will also give you some information about that world, so do have a read once you are there. Lastly, you might become lonely there and it might become a long-term mission, so I'll send someone to go with you!"

Now she was curious and didn't hesitate to ask, "Who?"

A knock on the door interrupted them as Rimuru called for the person to enter. Feiyun's eyes widened slightly as the man yawned while striding lazily into the room. He lifts his hand in greeting.

"... Yo."

The Demon Lord, the Sleeping Ruler, Dino, was now in front of them, settling on the same couch as Feiyun.

"He's going to be your companion for this mission. Please get along. I (mostly Ciel) have already made the necessary arrangements for you guys to have a home and some necessities to last for awhile, but you guys will have to live like a normal citizen there once you are in that world in order to fulfill your undercover mission." Rimuru explained

"Huh?!" Feiyun gaped in surprise, pointing at Dino, "It's one thing to put me up for the job, but with him of all people?!"

"Yup. Is there a problem?"

"That's-" Feiyun wants to complain but seeing Rimuru's smile, she knew that she had already made up her mind and she plops back onto the couch, "... Fine."

Rimuru claps her hands together happily, "Good! I want you guys to start as quickly as possible, so if there are no other questions, I will begin the dimensional transference along with the body modifications. You can still use your powers as per normal but I highly advise that you only use about 5% of it unless there is any danger to yourself or the world in general."


"Sure, sure..."

"Are you not going to tell Hua, Feiyun?" Rimuru wondered with a tilt of her head

"Huh? Why do I have to tell that Old Timer anything? I can still come back to visit, right?" Feiyun asked with a small scoff

Rimuru nods, "Well, that is allowed if you are ever homesick..."

"Then there's no problem."

"... Okay." Rimuru then glances at Dino, who gives her a shrug, "Since the two of you have nothing you want to do before going, I will begin now."

The two stood up after giving her a nod as Rimuru lifted her arms and began the transfer between worlds, all the while, Ciel was remodeling their bodies to suit the needs of that world. Once it was completed, the two disappeared from the office and Rimuru leaned onto Veldora's arm that was held out behind her and intertwined her hand with Eden's.

"... I can't help but notice that you decided to conveniently leave out important information until they arrive in that world." Veldora noted with a small grimace

Rimuru giggles, leaning further while Veldora wrapped the arm to pull her to him, "Knowing her, she would throw a loud tantrum, and while it is cute, I think it's best to let her fume when she's there."

<There is a high chance that she will return one day and try to strangle you.>

"Or maybe she'll thank me? Either way, nothing's going to happen!"

"Are you perhaps also feeling a little..." Iris tried to find the right words, "... peeved about..."

Rimuru gives her a grin, which answers her question immediately. Iris sighed under her breath while Eden chuckles lightly.

"Feiyun sticks to Hua like a magnet when she's around, after all. I do feel bad for Lieutenant Kondou at times, but I think even the girl can't help it, considering what happened in the past."

"But you have to admit that she does sometimes stick too much to Hua. I find it excessive." Veldora countered

Rimuru nods along, "That's right! But I am glad that she has stopped punching him on sight. I really feel bad for the poor man. I think this is also because Feiyun still has little idea on how to handle her emotions better. Remember that while she is born from Hua's body and has her memories of over 50,000 years, Feiyun is mentally still as young as me when I reincarnated. There must be some things that she still doesn't understand."

Veldora hummed, "Yeah, that does make sense... But why send that Dino, of all people, to be her companion?"

Rimuru looks up at him in surprise, "... Veldora, you and Ramiris work with him in the labyrinth and you don't know?"

"Uh..." Veldora glanced at Eden, who was giggling, "... No?"

Iris shakes her head with a sigh, "I'm pretty sure he mentioned it before, but... Never mind. For someone who can read minds, I am fairly surprised that Feiyun never noticed either."

"To be fair, she stopped reading the minds of others after Kondou came into the picture. She was fixated on him for a long time." Eden said with a small chuckle, "That man never keeps his thoughts to himself, after all. And if Hua is involved, well... We all know what happened the first time."

Iris grimaced slightly, recalling the first time they held a meeting together with the Empire and Dwargon. It was before they had dinner after the long meeting , Feiyun did not hesitate to teach Kondou a lesson after everything that she went through thanks to him. Another reason was, of course, related to Hua, and the next thing they knew, Kondou was lying on the floor with a punch to his gut.

"I do find him excessive sometimes too, but honestly, him and Hua are each other's first loves after so many years of being emotionless soldiers. I can't blame him." Rimuru shrugged before giving Iris a pointed stare and a sly grin, "Now as for you, Iris-"

"I'm leaving."

Without letting Rimuru continue talking, Iris immediately teleports out of the office. The three looked at each other, snorting in laughter.

"Is it really going to be okay, though?" Veldora asked again

"Well, I did make sure to leave instructions to contact me for reports every week. She will probably rant about it, but nothing I can't handle!" Rimuru chuckles

Veldora grunts softly before shrugging, "... Let's just tell Hua, okay?"


No one knew what awaited in another world but they could only hope that this mission would go smoothly, considering the two individuals that had been sent there.

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