Culture Shock

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After the outdoor performance, the members gathered back in the office where everyone was still trying to get themselves together after the revelation that TRIGGER, of all people, had been singing their debut song, the song that had been stolen a week ago.

"Relax, guys. Tomorrow's the press conference and it won't be good to keep frowning like that." Dino sighed, entering the room after getting them some bottles of water, "Drink up and calm down."

"Thank you, Dino-san." Iori said, taking a bottle from Dino, "Where's Feiyun-san? I think she was also..."

Dino shakes his head, "Don't worry about her. She's getting over it in her own way. It's been a long while since the last time she felt frustrated about something. She just needs some time to herself."

"She has always been looking forward to seeing the seven of us debuting, after all. She doesn't show it, but she was as excited as we were." Yamato sighed, thanking Dino for the bottle of water he handed to him

Mitsuki took two bottles from Dino gratefully and passed one over to Nagi, who was once again seething in anger.

"I'm really sorry. We even filmed a PV, but we can't use the song." Tsumugi apologized again, this being the third time she had done that after returning to the office

"It's not your fault." Sougo assured her

Tamaki scoffed, "It's TRIGGER's fault."


"Isn't it?" Tamaki huffed, leaning back, "Their new song was a total ripoff of ours. Maybe they stole it. Why aren't we suing them?"

"We have no evidence to back up the claim." Dino countered, "Even if TRIGGER were the ones singing the song, I have some doubts about whether they even knew that it was a stolen song."

Dino was inclined to think that a Herrscher candidate like Tenn wouldn't even be able to stand the thought of singing a stolen song if he had known about it. Herrschers born or chosen from Rimuru's Authority of Origin had morals, after all.

"They could also sue us for libel." Iori added as he felt Riku's arm touching his in a gesture of comfort whether it be for Iori or himself, "I'd like to avoid jinxing our debut."

"I'm very frustrated. I wanted you all to sing it." Nagi finally said, confusing them with his sentence, "I won't forgive them if they were involved. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I don't know who did it, but they will regret angering me."

Mitsuki sighed, taking hold of Nagi's hand in an attempt to alleviate some of his anger, "Come on, Nagi. Don't be like that..."

Nagi tightened his hand on Mitsuki's, finally turning to give him a small smile. Suddenly, Tsumugi's phone rang and she excused herself to speak to the caller before gasping in surprise and thanking the caller before hanging up.

"IDOLiSH7 has gotten a regular show! It's even named after us!" She announced in excitement

The reactions of the members varied from shocked gasps to wide smiles before Tamaki hummed in thought.

"Manager, is that good news or bad news?"

"It's super good news!" Mitsuki exclaimed happily, "We're getting our own show!"

"What a good timing. The album tour is up next after tomorrow's press conference. Then now the namesake show. We'll be getting busier." Iori noted

"Yeah! We can't be worrying about this forever!" Mitsuki said with determination in his voice

Nagi's mood immediately improves a little after seeing the peppy and energetic Mitsuki, "Yes! Let's do this!"

Dino blinks at this, "It's pretty amazing how they affect each other with their energy and emotion... Before this, Mitsuki was affected by Nagi's negative mood, and then this happens."

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