Rise and Fall

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Dino yawned, scrolling through his phone as instructed by Feiyun, and gathering some notes with her. They have been at it since yesterday after they arrived home, and hadn't stopped, that was why Tsumugi was the only one fetching the boys to their schedule today.

"I knew it..." Feiyun muttered, tossing a paper on the coffee table, "... The timing is too coincidental."

"You mean the rumors and news articles?" Dino asks, setting his phone down

"Yeah. Plus-"

Dino's phone suddenly pings as he unlocks it again, seeing that it was another news article and he gaped.

"What the hell...?"

"Let me see it." Feiyun said as Dino turns his screen to her, "... This isn't good..."

"Should we call for a group meeting?"

Feiyun nods and they make a few calls to some people before packing up their findings and leaving for the office.


By the time they gathered, it was already the late evening but Mitsuki and Nagi were the only ones that weren't available due to a joint appearance at the radio talk show. Riku gasped when Feiyun showed the news article that had just been recently published about his sibling relationship with Tenn, and all of the other articles that they managed to find on websites and magazines.

"What's this?! It's all lies!" Riku exclaimed

"I suspected something was up, and looked up at everything with Dino. These articles were published bit by bit, but even for articles, there's too much information. I think this is a sabotage." Feiyun said

"Sabotage?! That's malicious! I shall file a complaint!" Tsumugi said

"It's no use. Unless you take it to court, they won't publish an apology." Iori said with a small sigh, understanding that the agency wouldn't have enough money if they were to take things to court

"Will Tenn-nii deny it...?" Riku wondered as he sat beside Iori

"I doubt he'd comment on these articles. Most people won't believe them." Iori said

"But if people believe it..."

"Sougo-kun's family situation has been exposed too... They haven't named the company though." Banri noted

"It's not just me. They're claiming Tamaki-kun's search for his sister is a lie he's spreading for publicity." Sougo said as he read a magazine he picked up

Tamaki clicks his tongue, "They can't be serious!"

"'A major actor is suspected of having a secret lovechild, and that child is IDOLiSH7's Nikaidou Yamato'?" Tsumugi read and looked up at Yamato

Yamato grinned and awkwardly waved it off, "Th-That's obviously not true. Can you believe the nonsense they write?"

Iori flips through a magazine, "This one has an article on Rokuya-san."

Riku leans in to read, "'The idol everyone's talking about is actually a Scandinavian Prince'?"

The two looked at each other with an incredulous expression, having imagined Nagi, of all people, as a Prince, ""... That's a lie.""

Feiyun held her laughter back and cleared her throat, "Your family information has also been exposed, Iori. The family bakery, I mean."

"It's okay. Our family works in the service industry, so this is actually good advertising for our family bakery." Iori said with a light shrug, "We were prepared for this since we joined the entertainment industry. Don't let this set you on edge."

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