First Introductions

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Three days after sending the report, Feiyun and Dino prepared themselves for their work. Today, the members of IDOLiSH7 were moving into the dorm. Since it was their first day of work, the members were still very much unaware that they were hired by Otoharu to work for the agency.

"Hey! If you keep me waiting, I'll head off first!" Feiyun shouted at the closed bedroom door which belonged to Dino, "Jeez, that lazy Demon Lord..."

The door opens in the next second as Dino comes out yawning as usual, wearing a pair of blue jeans and white-collared button-up. At least he was dressed properly for work...

"You better act the part as a bodyguard of an idol group. If you keep yawning like that, no one will take you seriously, even if you are an Alpha." Feiyun complained, putting on her sneakers

"Got it..."

While Dino slips into his own sneakers, Feiyun opens the door and locks it behind them once Dino is out of the apartment.

"Can't we just fly there or something?" Dino grumbles

"We might get spotted, so no. We have to take normal transportation like everyone in this world does." Feiyun huffed, already leading the way to the nearest station


It took them about an hour to arrive at the dorm as Feiyun rings the doorbell and Tsumugi opens the door for them.

"Hello! Welcome to IDOLiSH7's dorm, Feiyun-san, Dino-san!"

Feiyun nodded, returning the greeting, "Thanks. Are they inside?"

"Yes! They are currently in the middle of unpacking. Please come in." Tsumugi said as she steps aside to let them enter


They took their shoes off and walked into the living area where some of the members were unpacking some boxes for the kitchen.

"Everyone! These two new staff members will be helping us from today onwards!" Tsumugi called out as she motioned to the two

Riku was the first one to react with surprise, "Feiyun-san! Dino-san!"

"You two are staff members now?!" Sougo asked in mild surprise but they could smell the relief mixing in his scent, "What a surprise!"

"It really is!" Mitsuki said, hopping down from the stool (Iori calling out for him to be more careful) he was using to put up some electronics on the kitchen shelves, "It hasn't even been a week since we last saw each other!"

"Yeah. Your President hired us once we mentioned about not having jobs yet. He just wanted to find out what we were good at, and the fact that the agency was just a tad bit understaffed." Feiyun shrugged nonchalantly as the four approached them

"Manager said that you were going to help us, but what exactly is it?" Iori asks

"I'm her assistant in case some things get too much for her to handle alone." Feiyun said before motioning to Dino, "And he's gonna be your private bodyguard. He may look like this, but he's actually a good fighter."

"Seriously? Better than you?" Mitsuki asks with a few blinks of disbelief

Dino waves a hand in front of him dismissively, "No, no, when she gets serious, she's a real de-"

Without letting him finish his sentence, Feiyun stomps hard on his foot and his face scrunches in pain as he bends down to massage the foot. The others could only watch this play out, pitying Dino for only a few seconds before Feiyun turned back to them after giving Dino a sharp glare.

"So there you have it."


The other remaining members finished unpacking their things in their chosen rooms and entered the living area to greet them. They sit around the dining table as instructed by Tsumugi in order to introduce themselves properly to each other.

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