After the Sadness

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Mitsuki yawned lightly and the others took this as a signal for them to get themselves ready to rest for the night. They had been through a lot, and were still trying to wrap their heads around it, but since their fellow group member needed his rest as instructed by Feiyun, they didn't want him to keep forcing himself to stay awake to listen to their chatters.

"Then let's all head to bed. Everyone's tired too." Yamato said as the others nodded in agreement

They all wished Mitsuki a good night before leaving his room as he huddled under his blanket for a bit more warmth. He peeks one eye open when he realizes that the lights were still not turned off, only to see Nagi standing by the doorway with a pillow in his hand.


"Can I accompany you tonight, Mitsuki?"

Mitsuki fought down a blush as his groggy mind tried to come up with an excuse for why Nagi should not be accompanying him but he gave in and nodded.

"There's a spare futon... in the cupboard..." He sleepily mumbles

Nagi nods and carefully takes the spare futon out, trying to not disturb Mitsuki as he quietly falls asleep. After setting the futon beside the bed, Nagi then flicks the light switch off and lays on the futon, all the while listening to Mitsuki's soft snoring.


Nagi startled and got up, turning to the bed, only to see Mitsuki's half-lidded eyes.

"Why did you want to be here...?" Mitsuki asked drowsily

"Oh. You shouldn't be asking such questions in such a half asleep state. You might forget my words in the morning." Nagi whispered with a small chuckle, "... So cute."


Mitsuki could understand a bare minimum of English words, and in his half asleep state, he couldn't process most of Nagi's words but he had a feeling that it could be something embarrassing. Nagi was mesmerized at how this small man, who is older than him, and yet, could carry so much burden on his shoulders. He knew that Mitsuki had his own insecurities. His inferiority complex because of his failed auditions and his perfect little brother, and now his problematic magic. He hid all of that behind his energetic smile, and Nagi was instantly charmed from the first moment they met when the group was first formed. When Mitsuki smiles, Nagi also smiles. As long as he was happy, that was all he ever wanted.



"I love you, Mitsuki." Nagi confessed straightforwardly with a gentle smile

Mitsuki's eyes widened a little more before he pursed his lips, "... Don't say something you don't mean..."

"Oh? I am serious, Mitsuki. I always am."

Mitsuki sighs quietly, "Never mind, just sleep..."

Nagi gently takes Mitsuki's hand and presses a small kiss on the base of his ring finger, "[I do not lie. I will make you realize that. You can feel emotions, yet you cannot feel my love for you? Or are you just avoiding it?]"

Mitsuki's brow furrowed at the unknown language, and Nagi's action, "What...?"

"I really, really love you, Mitsuki. Can you not feel it?" Nagi asked with a gentle smile

Mitsuki hesitated to respond. Ever since he started using magic again, he could feel the strong emotions of the people around him, mostly keeping it to the members of IDOLiSH7 and the staff members at the Takanashi Productions. Nagi was always full of positivity, energetic (almost too energetic), and at times, full of love. He tried to ignore it at first, but now that Nagi was saying all of this while he could feel the unconditional love radiating out of him. All he could think of was his last failed love, and he couldn't bear another one.

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