The Rumors

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"We're back!" Riku announced, entering the living area with Iori and Feiyun behind him

They had just finished a radio show, and by the time they returned to the dorm, it was already the evening. Feiyun was the one who accompanied them this time since Tsumugi had taken a day off from work, so she was in charge of bringing the boys to their schedules. Dino took Nagi and Mitsuki to their photoshoot schedules and brought them back to the dorm, thankfully not encountering any fans on the way back.

"Welcome back, guys. Dinner's almost ready." Mitsuki announced, plating the food, "Are you staying for dinner too, Feiyun-san? I made enough for you and Dino-san."

"Oh, thanks. Then I'll stay for dinner today." Feiyun said, setting her bag on the floor, and looked around, not sensing Dino in the dorm, "Where's Dino?"

"MEZZO" had just finished their schedule and Tamaki forgot something in the office, so they returned to get it. Dino-san left about ten minutes ago to escort them home." Mitsuki answered

"Wow!" Riku exclaimed with shining eyes while looking at the plated omurice, "It looks good!"

Iori held back a blush when he saw the bear-shaped pancakes stacked on a plate, "Nii-san, were you making all this?"

"Yeah. I thought it would be nice to reward ourselves once in awhile. You know..." Mitsuki groaned as he flipped the seafood tempura he was deep-frying, "... for the Sound Ship performance. Plus, we had a bit more work, so I thought it would be nice to give everyone a meal they liked. Ah, but is pork cutlet okay with you, Feiyun-san?"

"Sure it is, but it sounds like a lot of work for one person. I can help." Feiyun offered and looked around again, "Where's Nagi, though? I thought he would help you..."

The two brothers grimaced and exchanged a look as Mitsuki replied, "... Let's just say that he needs to be taught proper steps about cooking first before trying anything."

"He's a disaster, unfortunately." Iori sighed heavily, briefly recalling the time Nagi had made a mess of the kitchen counter from simply cracking eggs, "So Nii-san keeps him out unless it's a task that he can probably handle."

"Well, practice makes perfect, you know." Feiyun shrugged, finding and putting on an extra apron, "But seriously, where is he?"

Mitsuki's eyes darted about, "... I asked him to take a shower after he accidentally covered himself in flour..."

"... Oh."

"In hindsight, I should have thought that would happen when he tried to kiss me." Mitsuki blushed with a small groan

Iori frowned and gave his brother a pointed look, "Please stop indulging in his behavior, Nii-san."

"I know..."

Riku chuckled, nudging Iori teasingly, "Come on, Iori, leave Mitsuki alone. He's already blushing a lot!"

"You didn't have to rub it in, Riku..." Mitsuki sighed dejectedly

Yamato enters the living area with a yawn. He had finished his filming in the afternoon and had been in his room to take a nap after the early morning film shooting.

"Oh, something smells good, Mitsu."

"Yeah. I made some fish stew for you, old man. There's also miso soup for the others." Mitsuki said as he put the pork cutlet in the hot oil to fry, "Sougo and Tamaki should be back soon with Dino-san, so don't drink your beer yet."

"Just one or two is fine." Yamato chuckled, already opening a can of beer, and plopping down on the couch

Mitsuki sighed and hurried his pace to finish cooking now that Feiyun was helping him. Nagi returns from showering a few minutes later as Iori and Riku take turns to take their showers. Mitsuki sighed in satisfaction when the cooking was finished, looking at the spread on the table. 

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