The Visit

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Two days later, in the early morning before the break of dawn, they were all waiting outside their dorm as their handcarries were loaded into the minivan. Feiyun took the shotgun seat this time to help Tsumugi navigate to the meeting place for their ride to Tempest.

"Did everyone have some breakfast?" Dino asks

Yamato yawns, "Yeah. Mitsu made sandwiches for everyone..."

"Good to hear. You guys can take a nap. Tsumugi, once we get on our ride, it would take around two hours to get there, so you should get some rest inside." Feiyun suggested

"Oh, thank you!"

She starts the minivan and drives to the location Feiyun navigates her to. Around an hour later, they arrived at the foot of a hiking trail surrounded by a dense forest.

"You're kidding..." Yamato muttered in disbelief

"Nope, I'm not kidding." Feiyun said with a huff, "If anything gets heavy, we'll carry it. Let's go before the sun rises. Riku, if you feel unwell or you feel like you're about to have an attack, you need to say something immediately."


Iori frowned at his Alpha incredulously. He was not sure how Riku could still be this excited when it concerns his health issues. He will have to make sure Riku doesn't overdo it and to keep him warm.

"It's not a long walk anyway." Dino commented, "We should be there in about ten minutes."

Yamato still groaned, "Great..."

"Come on, stop complaining, and let's go. The faster we get there, the faster you guys can get more rest." Feiyun said

With her leading at the front and Dino watching them from behind to make sure that no one was getting left behind, they managed to keep a steady pace and within ten minutes, they arrived at the entrance to a cave.

"This is it." Feiyun sighed, turning to the group behind her, "... Hey, we're here!"

At the very least, the ones who were in good shape could arrive by her side, only needing to catch their breaths while Riku had to be constantly fretted over by Iori, who made sure that he wasn't about to have an attack any time soon. Yamato was just himself, not really going out as much as the others, and grumbled for awhile.

"F... Finally..." Yamato panted, holding onto a tree for support, "Why in the world is it all the way here...?"

"Because we need to keep our country a secret." Feiyun reminded him before motioning to the entrance, "Let's go. Our ride is waiting inside."

They were admittedly a little nervous about this since it was an old cave, but Feiyun and Dino reassured them that everything was okay. After walking a little more inside, they finally see a railway track with two tunnels to enter and exit from.

"I didn't even know something like this was here..." Tsumugi gaped

"So our ride is-"

Before Iori could finish his sentence, the magitrain entered through the right tunnel and stopped in front of them. The door opens, and a goblina steps out to bow in greeting.

"(Welcome, Feiyun-sama, Dino-sama, and to your esteemed guests. Please climb onboard.)"

"(Thanks.)" Feiyun gives her a nod before turning back to the others, "This is the attendant for the carriage, Gobino. Come on, head inside, and settle yourselves in."

The others nodded and slowly entered the carriage when Feiyun's nose twitched and she stared at Mitsuki before turning to Dino.

"(Did you smell that?)"

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