The Music Festa

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For the next few days before the Music Festa, the members of IDOLiSH7 worked as hard as they could to practice their new song while also keeping up with Feiyun's lessons. She had also recently found ways to check on the elemental aptitudes of each member by reading the flow of their mana, making sure to list everything down to give them new lessons once they mostly mastered their current magic. One of her current troubles was Mitsuki's magic.

"Feel the aura around you, and pull all that into your body." Feiyun instructed

To make things a little easier for him, she had asked the high-energy members like Riku and Nagi to become as enthusiastic as possible in order for him to adapt to absorbing their excitement without affecting himself.

"Keep going, Mitsuki! You can do it!" Riku cheered

"Yes! Don't worry, and keep it up!" Nagi cheered beside him


"Don't overdo it, Nanase-san." Iori sighed from behind them, "You'll get an attack if you get overly excited like that."

He glanced at his brother as the aura picked up in intensity, and Mitsuki was finding it harder to pull the aura into his body. Feiyun narrows her eyes and stops everything with a clap of her hands.

"Okay, that's enough. Let's continue this next time. Tomorrow's the Music Festa, so I don't want you guys getting too tired if you're practicing later."

With those words, their magic lessons stopped and the members practiced their singing and dancing for the Music Festa, all with nervous hearts. When their practice finally ended, they packed everything up and said goodbye to everyone in the office.

"Feiyun-san, you really won't be going tomorrow?" Riku asked with a sad frown

"Don't look at me like that!" Feiyun exclaimed upon seeing Riku's big and sad orbs, "... Ugh, I really can't. Since I accepted the job to let you guys perform in our home country, I need to arrange the schedule."

"This early? When the festival is in six months?" Iori asked

"The people there love their festivals. They could make one up in a heartbeat if they wanted to." Feiyun shrugged, "Plus, this is one of the bigger, private festivals, only celebrated with the rulers, executives, and probably a majority of residents. There's even an invitation sent to one of the friendly nations this year."

"Another nation is joining the festival?" Sougo asked, a worried crease apparent on his forehead

"W-Will we be okay...?" Riku gulps nervously

Feiyun lets out a short laugh, "No worries! Our country is super open to visitors! Don't worry too much about accommodations either. I'll arrange everything. I have to make contact with them soon to discuss the equipment anyway."

The problem mostly lay in the difference in equipment between worlds and while Feiyun did not doubt the abilities of the capable researchers and engineers of Tempest, it was still going to be a big task to create the various stage equipment. Though Tempest does have an engineer and singer who are familiar with the equipment, like Vill-V and Eden, so she was pinning some hope on them. She still had to make plans with Rimuru if she ever decided to build a whole new building just for the idols to perform in, which would likely increase the pressure, so she held back from telling them until she was able to get in contact with Rimuru again.

"Just set this worry aside and do well in the Music Festa tomorrow. I'll be watching from here." Feiyun assured them with a grin


"Make sure to keep them safe, Dino!" Feiyun turns to the man, who was napping as usual, and smacked him on his head, "Do you hear me?!"

Dino winced and rubbed his head, "... Okay, okay..."

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