I'm a-What?!

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Feiyun grumbled softly, walking along the streets of modern Japan, carrying a bag of groceries in one hand while munching on a taiyaki in the other. It has been three days since she and Dino were transferred into this world, and nothing felt out of the ordinary. Yet. It was already starting to get boring and she would rather patrol the streets of Tempest rather than roam about in an unknown world.

"And you'd think it would be exciting to travel to another world..." She muttered wistfully and sighed, looking up at the night sky before scowling, "That damn Demon Lord...! Remodify my body?! Yeah, sure, I allowed that, but this isn't what I meant!"

In the instruction manual that Rimuru had left for them, two specific booklets were for education purposes. They were written about the current bodies that they have right now. While their races remained the same, their bodies didn't. Apparently, in this world, there were three dominance hierarchies established. Alpha, Beta, and Omega. Rimuru (or rather, Ciel) had made the modifications to their bodies to follow the hierarchy. But never did she expect her body to be modified into an Omega. It was inconvenient for one, being the bottom of the hierarchy, and another reason was that no matter where she went, she could feel eyes on her. As a Herrscher, a Primordial Herrscher, to be specific, the stares and voices of Alphas do not faze her (thankfully) as they were still merely humans in the end. But that wasn't the worst part...

"Of all people, she gave that lazy Demon Lord the body of an Alpha!"

That's right. Dino's body had been modified to become an Alpha. Since he was a True Demon Lord and one of the Seven Primordial Angels, he could affect her to some point, but never enough to make her put her guard up. The Demon Lord was just too lazy to think to do something like that, and even if he did, Feiyun would make sure he would not step out of line with a few threats. She was, after all, still a Herrscher. Still, Feiyun wished that Rimuru had made her Beta instead since they were in the middle of the hierarchy and were mostly ignored by Alphas. Still, the problem of the world was glaringly obvious because of the hierarchy. As long as there was this hierarchy, the Omegas would forever be looked down on by the majority of Alphas, who only see them as a source of breeding or relief, it was disgusting.

"It's a wonder why a Herrscher core decided to implant itself in this world. This is so stupid." Feiyun lets out a short sigh, looking in front of her again and finishing her taiyaki, "... I should find a job soon. The money won't last long, especially with that lazy bum..."

Though there was one perk that Feiyun was comfortable with in this world, it was the fact that there was at least some form of magic. Upon reading the manual, it was revealed that when Velgrynd went through the different worlds to find Rudra's soul, her influence had affected some worlds to the point where magic became possible to use. Though it is not prominently used in this world, there are still many who can use some form of minor magic, but without proper cultivation, they were just weak magic in the end. But there is still no telling what could happen because of the hierarchy. Most Omegas cannot fight the voices of an Alpha if they even add a push to their voices, after all, much less use magic to defend themselves.

"It would be nice if something could be done about that... Wait, is this why I ended up being one in the first place...? Oh well..."

Her nose suddenly twitched and she recoiled a little in disgust. It was the scent of strong alcohol and Alphas. Those were never a good mix. Which would most likely mean that someone might be in trouble, though she doesn't smell any Omega within those scents. Another perk of being either an Alpha and Omega was how they could pick up scents and emotions within those scents since they had scent glands on their napes. Betas, however, do have their own scent glands but they would not emit pheromones like Alphas and Omegas do. That doesn't mean that she really liked to be able to smell the disgusting lust from the drunk Alphas though. She picked up her pace, and rounded a corner into an alleyway. As suspected, the Alphas were there, and moreover, they were surrounding someone.

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