For You

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Feiyun sighed heavily after hearing the results from the doctor. After bringing Sougo to the hospital with Tamaki, they patiently waited for the examination to finish up while texting updates to the others, and when the results came up, Feiyun's head throbbed a little in annoyance and frustration.

"I can't believe this..." She grunted, not taking a glance at Sougo, who nervously sat between them, "Why did you keep this a secret?"

She couldn't care to hide her scent, which was a mix of emotions, not waiting for Sougo to answer before facing the doctor again.

"Will his condition be able to improve if he stops taking suppressants?"

"I'm afraid it would be very unlikely to improve. For now, he should stop taking the suppressants and go through a heat cycle. He needs it after not having one for so long. Otherwise..." The doctor lets out a long sigh, "... he may never be able to conceive."

Sougo glanced at the ultrasound of his uterine lining. It was so thin compared to the scan which showed a normal uterine lining. He wanted to hold back his tears. It wasn't like he wanted this to happen, but it still broke him to know that he may never have a child because of this. Tamaki was growing upset. Sougo must have had a good reason to keep on taking suppressants despite the risk to his health, and if it had been because of someone else, he wouldn't let them near Sougo again.

"His heat will probably come in another day or so as long as he stops taking the suppressants. I will also prescribe medication for his acute gastritis, so make sure to not accumulate your stress or that will worsen too."

Feiyun nods, answering for Sougo, "Got it."

After getting a copy of Sougo's medical results, the three left the hospital and returned to the dorm. Sougo was silent and Tamaki didn't know how to comfort him during this time, so he stayed quiet as well letting Sougo sort through his emotions without interruption.


After returning to the dorm, Feiyun accompanied Sougo to his room while Tamaki handed his medical results to Tsumugi, leaving out the ultrasound scan as instructed by Feiyun.

"The doctor said that Souchan will be okay, and he just needs more rest."

"I see..."

"We were so shocked when Feiyun-san suddenly told us that Sou needed to go to the hospital immediately." Yamato sighed in relief, "I'm glad that she noticed this early, otherwise it could've ended badly."


Most of them noticed how upset Tamaki still was, but before they could give him any words of comfort, Feiyun entered the living area.

"Sougo said that he needed to talk to you guys."

They gave her a nod and followed her into Sougo's room, where he sat on his bed with a forlorn look on his face.

"Everyone..." He started, taking a breath before continuing, "... Depending on the situation, I might quit."

They all sucked in a breath of shock, not believing what they were hearing from Sougo.

"Quit? Do you mean MEZZO"?" Mitsuki quickly asked

Sougo shakes his head, "Not just MEZZO". IDOLiSH7 too."

"You can't. Why?" Riku asked in disbelief

Tamaki gritted his teeth, clenching his fist, "... Did you really hate it that much?"

Sougo looked up at him, confused, "Huh?"

"Then you should have told me!" Tamaki exclaimed, his voice cracking as he grabbed Sougo's arm, "I told you to tell me! I'm stupid, so I won't know unless you tell me!"

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