Together as One

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The light from Feiyun's phone shone on her face while she laid on her bed. Tsumugi had messaged her about the disbandment announcement and she couldn't help but sigh. She never thought that Otoharu would make such a big decision so quickly.

"I wonder... Is it really over?"

A knock on the door breaks her cycle of thoughts, "... Feiyun? Are you asleep?"

Feiyun narrows her eyes and sits up, "No. You can come in."

Dino opens the door and flicks the light switch on, "What are you thinking about in the dark? ... The disbandment?"

Feiyun crosses her arms, "I wonder why. I thought you were doing your best during the Okinawa trip, but you let such a guy get past you because you were asleep."

"I'm sorry about that, really." Dino said, raising his hands up in defeat, "But the fact that you didn't help Mitsuki in time just now... Were you... testing something?"

"What could I be 'testing'?" Feiyun asked with an incredulous stare, "Truth to be told, his reaction was pretty slow. Maybe the malice got to him and he only reacted after Tamaki punched the guy."

"Yeah. I thought he would react immediately before Tamaki even moved." Dino said, nodding in agreement, "But what's up with that guy?"

"His father, apparently. He's an abuser too, so Tamaki has less than happy childhood memories of him, even as a three-year-old."

"And what did you do when we left?" Dino asked, noticing her small flinch, "Uh, Feiyun...?"

"I just gave them a bit of a nightmare, that's all! After that, I fixed up their memories a little, and returned." Feiyun explained

Dino sighed, he knew this was going to happen eventually, "... Let's not mention that in the upcoming report."

"... The President just announced their disbandment. Tsumugi is really sad." Feiyun said, sighing heavily, "They finally got to where they are, and it's gonna be over just like that...?"

Dino frowned, he never thought it would happen, but it did. Feiyun rarely shows it on her face, but through scent, he could tell that she was truly disappointed and upset about this. After a moment of thinking, he finally opened his mouth to ask her.

"... Wanna take a walk?"


Mitsuki sighed as he walked the familiar path to the Zero Arena, looking up at the night sky.

"I finally got ahold of my dream. But why am I not happy? Didn't I want to become like Zero...?" He lamented and paused in his steps


Turning his head back, he spots Nagi and Sougo running up to him and he turns to face them.

"Nagi. Sougo."

"What are you doing outside? You should be resting at home." Nagi said with a worried frown

Mitsuki waved his hands dismissively, giving him a reassuring smile, "I'm okay, really. The medicine worked and I don't feel much pain anymore."

"But why are you here?" Sougo asks

"I unconsciously walked this path. It's the path to the Zero Arena, after all. And I heard this was where Iori had really run to after the Music Festa." Mitsuki said, looking at the path behind him

"I see. I wandered here unconsciously too. This was where Iori cried after Music Festa. My heart hurt." Nagi explained

"You're right. It was hard, but we believed we'd manage as long as we were together." Sougo said with a resigned sigh

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