Moving Forward

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The meeting with the President went smoothly as Feiyun explained the unbelievable numbers written on the document that was handed to Otoharu.

"If I'm being honest, Feiyun-kun, this... this can provide us for months since we are still such a small company..." Otoharu had admitted with great hesitance, "Is it really okay to give us this much when the boys have just started out as an idol group?"

Feiyun had given him a shrug, saying that, once again, Rimuru was just that sort of character, and that he didn't have to worry about the country's finances either since this was a request and proposal from the Queen herself. Since that was the case, Otoharu gave his approval and signature for Feiyun to send back to Tempest. During the press conference, curiosity got to Dino while the boys were on stage to talk to the reporters.

"I saw the amount written on the document, but how much did Rimuru actually pay for that amount of money?" Dino whispered

"10 gold coins. She told me that she got that conversion by looking at the value and quality of the gold coins, coming to this conclusion, and actually producing that amount of cash easily. Trust me. She really exceeds expectations a little too much." Feiyun whispered back

"So you mean that just one gold coin is..." Dino paled as he calculated it himself, "10-"

"Shush, you idiot!"

Dino quieted down after being reprimanded, turning his eyes back to the stage where Riku hesitated to respond why 'MONSTER GENERATiON' was chosen as their debut song. Thankfully, Yamato was quick to help out, allowing Riku to recall what he needed to say.

"Sougo's been acting weird lately." Dino noted, "With the album tour coming up, MEZZO's schedule is packed to the brim."

"He's going to be overloaded..." Feiyun grumbled, "... But I can't really leave those five alone either, Tsumugi said it was fine to accompany MEZZO" to lessen the load on Sougo..."

"Should I continue accompanying them then?" Dino suggested

"Yeah, sounds good to me. As long as you don't oversleep either..."


Thus, the members traveled to Osaka first for their album tour two days later. Upon arriving, MEZZO" had to leave to film for their regular show and separate ways with the others.

"What a huge place... Well, since we're going around to take some pictures and enjoy the sights, what do you guys wanna do first?" Feiyun asked, making sure that the boys at least wore their masks and fake glasses

"I want to eat takoyaki, okonomiyaki, fried skewers, and offal!" Nagi said excitedly

"Let's eat them all!" Riku suggested, already happy to be outside and being able to go anywhere he wants

"We can't eat all of that-" Iori cuts his protest short when he spotted a keychain from Usamimi Friends hanging on a display rack

Riku took notice of this, "What's wrong, Iori?"

"Do you want the local mascot?" Nagi asked

Iori huffed and looked away, "I'm not at all interested in something so cheap."

He strode away from the shop but from the corner of her eyes, Feiyun catches Riku buying a pair of keychains of the same Usamimi Friends design that Iori had been staring at, shaking her head with a grin and walking away. Iori might think that he hides his secret well, but Feiyun reads emotions easily and could tell that he likes cute things, a lot.

"Well, he does have a cute brother and a soon-to-be cute boyfriend, just his type."

They continued going around Osaka, taking pictures with the various landmarks and eating the takoyaki that Nagi wanted to try. Feiyun stared at the takoyaki in her hand, briefly recalling the ingredient Tempest uses as a replacement for the octopus inside the food, and internally shivered before eating it. It was, of course, delicious.

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