Taking Things Slow

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"Huh? Nanase has breathing problems?" Dino asked, snapping up his head from writing his report to look at Feiyun

Feiyun nods, reading through a document Tsumugi had given her before, "Yeah. While we were waiting for you guys, he talked about how Kujou Tenn was his twin brother, and suddenly just started coughing. It took a long while to get his breathing stable again. During that, I could hear his ragged breathing. It was definitely not normal, so I concluded it was an illness. I just don't understand why he doesn't want to tell anyone."

"Maybe he didn't want anyone to worry about him? This will hinder his idol work and he's the center too..." Dino hummed, turning his attention back to the report on the table

"I figured..." Feiyun sighed, setting the document on the table, "... He's just like that girl."

"You're talking about Rimuru, right?" Dino asked and Feiyun nodded, "Hm... Kujou was the same. He was sick but he still insisted on performing. Those two are definitely twins since they have the same stubborn mindset."


"Now that I think about it, they have a performance tonight, right?" Dino asks, closing his report and sending it over to Rimuru

She gave him a short nod in reply, "Yeah. It's for the announcement of their new song. I was just going through the document to make sure that we have the proper permission to perform."

"How diligent..."

"Shut up."

Feiyun lets out a sigh and leans her head back on the couch, closing her eyes to rest for a bit. Dino sniffed the air now that her nape became more exposed, emitting a relaxing pheromone that made Dino want to take a nap again. He could get used to this, though he's not sure if Feiyun ever felt the same way.

"Hey. Even if I'm not reading your mind, your scent is pretty strong, you know." Feiyun said, reopening her eyes to look at Dino, "Are you actually taking the fated couple thing seriously?"

Dino averted eye contact, "... Maybe? Does it not bother you? Your inner Omega, I mean."

"Wha- Well, that's..."

Dino's lips curled into a smirk, "So it does. Then do you wanna know what my inner Alpha wants me to do?"


Before she could process anything, Dino had made a small teleportation and appeared beside her, throwing his arms around her and sprawling their bodies on the couch.

"Hey, you!" Feiyun gasped in dismay, pushing down the blush that she could feel coming up, "Let go!"

Dino yawned against her scent gland, of all places! The stupid Demon Lord was definitely enjoying this. Even if she was scolding and trying to get him to let go, Dino could still smell her embarrassment from her scent. What pushed her to her limit was not the nuzzle, but it was the fact that Dino, the idiot that he was, decided to give the sensitive scent gland a small peck. She.was.not.having.it.

"You stupid Demon Lord...!"

Dino was snapped back to reality very harshly when he felt Feiyun's fist landing on his head. The thing about Herrschers was that they had unbelievable strength if they wanted to wield them but it was worse when it came to Feiyun because she could mess with the mental condition of any living being and her punch to his head manages to cause his head to be filled with the thought of being hit over and over again, the pain hitting him absolutely everywhere and he soon blacks out without even being able to make a single sound of pain.


It was raining by the time they arrived at the venue of the performance. Dino was still in pain. He would've slept through it if Feiyun hadn't used her Herrscher powers to force his mind to jolt awake, but it was a deserving punishment. He admitted that he had gone a little too far.

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