On that Stage Once Again

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Surprisingly, while they were expecting only some amount of tickets being sold, they were shocked to find out that the tickets had been sold out in less than three minutes of it going up on sale. This motivated the members further and they put even more effort into their practices, and soon, it was the day of the concert. The members had gone through intense lessons from Feiyun while juggling their street performances and practices. They were not going to let their efforts and practice all go to waste. They were going to do their best and have fun in front of three thousand fans on that same outdoor stage once again.

"I didn't think I would see this view again. Plus, it's from backstage now." Dino sighed, looking at the huge stage from below the stairs

"Three thousand... They really made it this far from the previous eleven people." Feiyun added, not admitting that she was quite proud of this

"You are being quite obvious with your scent even if you're hiding your expression." Dino mused with a small smirk

Feiyun unconsciously puts her hand over her masked scent gland, "S-Shut up!"

After that, the members did a brief run through of the concert two hours before it would begin, excluding the usage of their magic until the concert since they would exhaust themselves quicker, and they didn't want to risk Riku getting an attack before the concert. Mitsuki went up on the stage again after the staff members had scattered to do their work, looking up at the darkening sky.

"... It looks like rain..." He sighed worriedly

Hearing footsteps beside him, he looked over to see Riku.

"What's wrong, Riku?"

"We're singing here again. Only eleven people came the first time. But today it'll be a full house. Our manager got this venue, and our fans are supporting us. It makes me feel like we need to work harder. I want to answer their voices with all my might. Even if it means I collapse." Riku said as his fist tightened in determination

Mitsuki's brow twitched before slapping Riku on his back, "Don't you dare! Just so you know, I'm mad about your illness."


"That's not what I mean. I'm telling you not to hide it like it's some bad thing. There's nothing wrong with you or your illness. I can tell you're working hard. But working hard and being reckless are two different things. We should be careful so that our fans can watch with carefree smiles." Mitsuki said, grinning at the end


"Riku-kun." Sougo called from behind him, "Want some warm tea?"

Riku nodded with a wide smile, "Yes, please! It's easier to breathe when my chest is warm."

Nagi showed up with his favorite Kokona blanket, and even Tamaki chimed in, holding out his half eaten pudding to Riku. Riku chuckled and rejected them.

"I'm okay. You guys worry too much."

"Of course we do. You're the main vocalist of IDOLiSH7. If you fall, we all go down with you. We can't have you quitting or collapsing." Iori said while walking up to them

Riku pouts at him slightly, "You didn't need to put it like that. Now I'm mad."

"In any case, we're all worried about you." Yamato chimed in

"You too, Yamato-san?" Riku asked, his smile back on his face as Yamato hesitated to answer

"... I'm not good in serious situations..."

"How dishonest." Iori noted in a flat tone

"Look who's talking." Yamato countered immediately before putting his hand on Riku's head, "If you can make it until the end, I'll buy you a dirty mag from the convenience store as a reward."

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