Sound Ship

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Two days later, after finishing up a schedule with the other five boys, they walked their way back to the office to meet up with MEZZO" once their schedule finished up for the day.

"What?" Riku's exclamation made them turn their heads, "Tenn-nii will tell me if we win the New Artist award?"

"Yes. He didn't tell us what it was about, though..." Tsumugi replied with a nod

"Ah, I forgot about that." Feiyun finally recalled since the incident with Mitsuki was too sudden and she had completely forgotten about Tenn's words, "He said something about JIMA. What is that exactly?"

"The Japan Idol Music Awards. It's a pretty big thing for new artists." Mitsuki answered

"Excuse me." A voice interjected and they turned to see a middle-aged businessman approaching Iori, "You're IDOLiSH7's Izumi Iori-kun, correct? Will you shake my hand?"

"Uh, sure."

Iori takes the man's hand for a quick shake before he smiles and explains himself, "I always watch your web show. I love the way you go after your elders. I wish I could give my boss a tongue-lashing too."

"... Why don't you, then?"

Startled, Mitsuki quickly cuts between them, trying his best to smile even though there was a mask covering his face, "Thank you! He's actually a really cute guy!"

Riku also joins in, slinging an arm around Iori' shoulder, "Yeah! We take really good care of him!"

Iori sighed in exasperation, trying not to show that he liked the physical contact, "You're one to talk..."

"Anyway, how did you know that it was us?" Yamato asked out of curiosity

"Huh?" The man then pointed at something behind them, "Because of that. I recognized the one who's on the billboard."

They gawked at the billboard that posted a certain blond posing alongside a certain model, and Mitsuki finally recalled the activities that he had with Nagi just two days before. He had completely forgotten about it too after his little incident...


"Yes! It's me!" Nagi responded enthusiastically

"When, where, and how?!" Feiyun exclaimed


After rushing back to the office, Tsumugi checked the website and profile of Clara Lowell, indeed finding posted pictures with Nagi in it.

"Clara Lowell is a well-established brand that's popular amongst women. It's a super famous foreign high-end brand!" Tsumugi explained

"You two went to a modeling agency and didn't tell us anything?!" Feiyun shouted in disbelief, "Nagi was one thing, but for Mitsuki to enable the behavior..."

Mitsuki lets out a resigned sigh, "I'm sorry... He told me to keep it a surprise... I did try to tell him to go through our agency, but you know..."

"It says the designer chose to use an obscure model." Tsumugi said, reading off the website

"Do you know what this means?" Iori exclaimed

"If they'd just gone through the agency, we could've charged a huge talent fee!" Banri yelled in dismay

Nagi clicked his tongue, shaking his head disapprovingly, "Oh, but involving money in your promises with ladies is not very smart."

"Rokuya-san, this ad that has your face on it is going to be plastered all over women's magazines! It's a great time to promote IDOLiSH7!" Iori proclaimed, "Have we gotten any big offers?!"

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