Passing Days with Everyone

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"Huh?" Feiyun looks at the white bird plush in Dino's outstretched hands before looking back up at him, "... This is for me?"

Dino averted eye contact and nodded slightly, "Yeah. Courting gift..."

"Uh... Thanks, I guess." Feiyun said while taking the plush from him, it was big enough to fit on her lap, "... It's soft... Huh? Isn't the material inside 'sarasa'?! You can only find this in... When did you go back without me knowing?!"

"I didn't go back there... Not like I had the time to with all of this idol business." Dino yawned, plopping on his couch, "I asked someone to help me and Rimuru was nice enough to transport it here."


"Based on your origins, I figured that you maybe didn't have something like this. Plus, your bedroom is super plain with only basic necessities." Dino added

In truth, Dino had sought advice from Nagi over the phone the other day, and the boy had told him how some girls liked plushes, so he had gotten one ordered from Tempest, straight out of his paycheck from there.

"Am I a kid or something...?" Feiyun complained but held the plush tight in her arms

There was satisfaction mixed in their scents, so Dino thought that it was worth the effort of making a telepathy connection between worlds to get the gift.


"This isn't good..." Dino grumbled, looking through the live broadcast again, "... His aura is completely shown, and now everyone knows what kind of magic he has."

"Oh, now that I think about it, I was too focused on the concert, but..." Feiyun said, joining him to watch the live broadcast at his computer table, "... It really appeared again."

"I wonder why it only appears during concerts... It was with TRIGGER back then too, right? So why is it taking so long to choose a host?" Dino wondered

"Tch. Stop saying things like that out loud in the office." Feiyun chided him, thankful that the office was currently empty, "Anyway, I'm thinking that maybe this core is trying to find not just a host, but a meaning to awaken."

"A meaning?"

"Yup. Other Herrschers awakened for their own purposes. Iris awakened because she wanted to learn how to feel emotions, I awakened to find a home for myself, and to help Old Timer, Her Majesty Rimuru awakened for the sake of her country. Different Herrschers have different reasons to want to awaken. This one must be finding a purpose too. The troubles of the heart. Idols have complex troubles too, but on stage, it's as if those troubles blow away until it's over. That may be why the core is so attracted to them. If so, what purpose is it looking for? If we can find out what kind of Herrscher is trying to awaken, then maybe we can assess its threat level to this world, and determine whether it can be safely awakened in the correct environment."

"Your explanation is even more complex..." Dino groaned, "In other words, we need to find the one thing in common that the core is attracted to. Is it attached to anyone this time?"

"Take a guess."

"Mitsuki, huh?"

Feiyun nodded, "Along with Tamaki, though it lingers longer on Mitsuki. Last time it was on Riku. The pattern isn't matching yet. I thought it was following the pattern of the most reckless and stubborn idols, considering that Kujou and Riku performed when they were in bad conditions, and Mitsuki overdoing things until he fainted, but with Tamaki in the mix, it's a tough debate now."

"Damn... If only we could locate the core..."

"I know..."

Feiyun settled back down at her table, and went through a few contracts and proposals laid out.

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