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It has been a few weeks since then. The members of IDOLiSH7 have been doing street performances to promote themselves and the website was also steadily growing with followers. However, due to some disagreements in the group, a ban had been placed on them, so for a month before TRIGGER's concert, no one could dance or sing until they watched the concert. Iori was the one who planned it and had told Tsumugi to relay that to the others, hoping that TRIGGER would help the group regain momentum once they watched their concert.


On the day of the concert, the ones who arrived at the venue earliest were Mitsuki and Sougo. They queued for the merchandise that could be purchased from booths outside of the venue, sending text messages to the remaining members, who were out and about somewhere before the concert would start.

"Wow, you guys are early." A voice interjected in the middle of their texting

"Ah! Feiyun-san, Dino-san! Hello!" Sougo greeted them as Mitsuki echoed his own greeting to the two


"Thank you for coming with us today."

"I'm your manager too, right? It was the least I could do." Feiyun shrugged and looked around, noticing the absent group members, "Where are the others?"

"At the SOLAIRO Tower, apparently. Nagi went there with the other two to buy a Kokona complete comic collection." Mitsuki explained with a resigned shake of his head, "But judging by our texts, they should be on the way after getting some burgers. Iori and the others are coming from the office with the Manager since he just got Riku to wake up."

"Well, we still have a few hours anyway. It wouldn't hurt to wait." Feiyun sighed, agreeing with the idea

Dino taps on her shoulder and leans in to whisper, "... Use your <Universal Detect> skill."

She gives him a short nod and activates her skill. With a wider range of view, she could finally see smoke rising in the far distance, near a tall tower. She could definitely recognize it since she had seen it in the news before.

"SOLAIRO Tower..." She gasped softly, "Those three are over there."

"... I am their bodyguard, but what do you want me to do?"

Feiyun takes a quick glance at the other members who were chattering amongst themselves without noticing their interaction before looking back at Dino.

"Make sure they come here safely."

Dino nods and quietly leaves the area to hide somewhere before teleporting to SOLAIRO Tower.

"Huh? Where did Dino-san go?" Sougo asked, looking around for the man

"He forgot something at home." Feiyun sighed in exasperation, "He should be back in time for the concert. Don't worry about it."

"I see."


Dino felt his eyes twitching as he held in a long, tired sigh. Tamaki and Yamato were not too far from where he had teleported. However, that wasn't a problem. The real problem was the contents in the bag that Tamaki was carrying.

"Why, no, how the hell did they pick up a bomb and not know...? Doesn't it weigh a ton?"

"Nagi's going to throw a fit if you damage even one of those books, Tama, so make sure to carry it like you would with a bomb." Yamato joked when Tamaki complained about the weight of the bag

"There's an actual bomb in there, Nikaidou..."

Tamaki laughed at the joke, "I'd never be caught dead with a bomb! You're hilarious, Yama-san."

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