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Tae is getting ready to go out with Jk. Even though she denied over chat but Jk was too stubborn that he asked her parents to let her go out with him. And who are they to deny their soon to be son-in-law.

She wore a beautiful pink chudidar and took her dupatta. Her hairs are braided into a pony tail.

 Her hairs are braided into a pony tail

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She came downstairs and found Jk already present there

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She came downstairs and found Jk already present there. He is sipping tea made by her mom.

Jk diverted his gaze to Tae's direction and was mesmerized by her beauty.

Mrs Kim- Tae sit here. I will bring tea for you as well.

Tae- No. I don't like tea. (said while glancing at Jk's tea cup)

Mrs Kim- What are you saying? (said while gritting her teeth)

Jk- It's okay mom. If she doesn't like tea then why to force her.

Tae widened her eyes at the word mom.

Jk took the last sip of tea and stood up from the couch.

Jk- Come, let's go.

Jk went out to remove his bike from the parking. Tae was about to go but Mrs Kim stopped her.

Mrs Kim- Don't you dare reveal that to Jungkook. You are very fortunate to get a boy like him. Don't let him get out of your hand.

Tae- You all are doing this very wrong mom. I feel so bad for them to not know about it.

Mrs Kim- We are only thinking about you baby. We never intended to get you married to him but when Mr Jeon himself asked your hand for Kook then how can we deny him.

Tae- He would have never asked my hand for his son if he even had the slightest idea about what happened with me.

Mrs Kim- We are really sorry Tae but we are your parents and any parent can go to the very extent for the sake of their child's happiness.

Tae- But this happiness will be destroyed soon after marriage when he will come to know about it. Then be ready for your child's destruction.

Saying this Tae left from there. She came out of the house and found Jk waiting for her on his bike. She went near him.

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