6. At the party🤔

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Jk is at Tae's house as he wanna ask Tae to accompany him somewhere. 

Mrs Kim called for Tae. She came downstairs and spotted Jk sitting on the couch. She went and sat beside her mom.

Jk- Hii, how are you?

Tae- Fine.

Jk- Actually my friends has kept a party since I returned back after years and wanna meet me. So would you like to accompany me? I wanna introduce you to them.

Tae- B..but...I.....

Before she could speak further Mrs Kim cut her words.

Mrs Kim- Yeah, she will definitely come with you Kook. You don't worry. I will keep her ready.

Jk- Okay. (said while smiling)

Tae looked at her mom with annoyed expression which didn't get unnoticed by Jk.

After sometime Jk left from there. Tae burst onto her mom as soon as Jk left.

Tae- Mom, why did you said yes to him? You know na I don't like to go out. Still you are forcing me.

Mrs Kim- It's for your good only dear. If you will go out, get mixed with other people; you will only feel good.

Tae- Still I am not intrested in going out. You go and tell him I ain't feeling well so can't go out with him.

Mrs Kim- Sorry I can't lie to him. If you wanna deny then do it by yourself. 

Tae frowned at her mother and left from there.


In evening she came out wearing a beautiful dress with hairs braided in a ponytail.

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Mrs Kim- Aishh, again this braid

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Mrs Kim- Aishh, again this braid. Keep your hairs open.

Tae- Mom please. First of all I wasn't ready to go to that party. Just because you agreed to him; I am going. Now don't complain about my looks. I don't like to keep my hairs open.

Mr Kim- Darling let be. Don't trouble my baby. She looks pretty in every look.

Tae didn't said anything and diverted her gaze to somewhere else.

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