14. Back to home☺️

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......- HONEY BUNNY OPPA.....

Jk diverted his attention towards the owner of the voice. His eyes widen looking at the sight infront of him.

Tae was sitting on the ground while pouting cutely like a baby. She forwarded her hands towards Jk and said by making a crying face.

Tae- Honey bunny Oppa carry me.... I.. wa. ..wanna g..go home... (said in a drunk tone)

Jk immediately rushed towards her and made her stood up.

Jk- Tae bear did you drank alcohol?

Tae- A..alocol..what's that? (asked while cutely pouting at Jk)

Jk- Nothing. Come let's go home.

Tae- NOOOO. (shouted at the top of her lungs)

Jk kept his palm on Tae's mouth to not let her shout. But Tae harshly bite on his palm making him leave her mouth.

Jk- Aaoocch, have you gone mad or what?

Tae's lips wobbled at Jk's words. She was about to cry but Jk stopped her.

Jk- I am sorry. Please don't cry bear.

Tae- You are a bad boy. (said while glaring at Jk)

Jk- Okay, I accept. Your honey bunny Oppa is a bad boy and you can punish him after going home. So come on let's go.

Jk was about to hold Tae's hand but she ran away from him. Jk too ran behind Tae to catch her.

Tae started running here and there to not let Jk catch her. Everyone was enjoying the couple's fun activity.

Tae went near the balcony. Jk too came behind her.

Jk- Now where you will go bear? Now it's only me and you. (said by forwarding his steps towards Tae)

Tae was about to run away from Jk but her leg twisted making her fall on the ground. Jk rushed towards her and sat on her level.

Jk- Tae bear are you okay? Is it paining?

Tae- OPPAAAA......... (said while crying loudly)

Jk- Shhh, it's okay. Nothing happened. Let's go home now. Enough of your enjoyment.

Jk made Tae stand but she stumbled as her leg was paining a lot.

Tae- Honey Bunny Oppa carry me... (said by wrapping her hands around Jk's neck)

Jk carried Tae in bridal style and started walking towards the exit.

Tae- Yeahhh....... (shouted while kicking her legs in the air)

Jk smiled looking at Tae.

Jk's pov

I got my Tae bear back atleast in drunk state. You don't even know how much I was waiting to look at this self of yours which got lost somewhere. My baby, my bear.

After sometime Jk reached their resort. He carried Tae towards their room and lie her down on bed. Jk removed her heels.

As soon as her heels were removed Tae stood on the bed and started jumping while giggling.

Jk- Tae bear what are you doing? Get down from the bed.

Tae- Noooo, you too join me honey bunny Oppa. It's soo existing.

Jk climbed on bed and made Tae sit down. But she again stood up and started jumping. Jk too stood up and made her still not letting her move.

Tae started pushing Jk as he wasn't letting her have fun but Jk didn't even moved a bit.

Officer Jeon's Tae bearWhere stories live. Discover now