25. Miracle✨

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Jk stopped visiting Tae at night since that incident. He only talked with her on phone or sometimes video called her. He wasn't even able to have a glance of her through the balcony cause Mrs Jeon use to accompany him till he leaves the colony.

Talking about Tae; she isn't feeling well since last week. She keeps on vomiting whatever she eats. Even today she was about to fall down from the stairs cause of dizziness but Mrs Kim was quick to hold her and prevent any kind of mishap. 

The doctor came to check Tae. She examined her thoroughly and came out. 

Mr Kim- Doctor what happened to my daughter? Is she alright.

Dr- No need to worry. Infact there's a good news. Your daughter is pregnant. 

Mr & Mrs Kim widened their eyes at doctor's words. They looked at each other and tears automatically left their eyes. 

Mrs Kim- Are...you...sure...doctor? 

Dr- Well by the symptoms she is experiencing I can say that she is pregnant. But still you all can confirm through pregnancy test kit.

Mr & Mrs Kim nodded their head. Doctor took her leave and as soon as she left both hugged each other while crying.

Mrs Kim- I hope whatever she said turns out to be true. I want Tae's life to be filled with happiness again. 

Mr Kim- I am sure God had really thought something good for our baby. She will get her happiness back. 


When Tae woke up; Mrs Kim came towards her and handed her the test kit which made Tae confused.

Tae- Why you are giving this to me mom? 

Mrs Kim- Tae doctor said that the symptoms you were experiencing is of pregnancy so please take this test and confirm once. 

Tae- Mom you know na it's not possible. She might have mistaken something.

Mrs Kim- Please Tae. Please take this test just for us. Please do this much for us. I beg you. 

Tae took the test kit and went inside the bathroom to check. 

After sometime Tae came out of the bathroom with teary eyes. Mrs Kim went towards her and cupped her one cheek.

Mrs Kim- What happened Tae? Is everything alright?

Tae showed the test kit to Mrs Kim who widened her eyes looking at it.

Tae showed the test kit to Mrs Kim who widened her eyes looking at it

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Mrs Kim hugged Tae tightly and pecked her entire face.

Mrs Kim- I am so happy for you my baby. Now I will show those Jeons that my daughter is not infertile. That Jungkook divorced you so easily and what he was saying he loves you. If he loved you that much then why didn't he fought for his love. Bloody bas....

Tae- MOM!!! (shouted at her angrily) 

Mrs Kim- Now you are raising your voice at me for those people, huh?

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