19. I love you❤

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Next morning Jk is getting ready to leave for his work. He wore his uniform and is now setting his hair.

Tae came forward and handed him his cap. Jk wore it by deeply staring into Tae's eyes.

Jk hugged her and pecked her cheeks.

Jk- Take care. Call me if you need something.

Tae nodded her head. Jk pulled out from the hug and proceeded to walk out of the room but Tae stopped him.

She stood on her toes and pecked Jk's cheek. Jk's lips carved into a huge smile at Tae's act. He side hugged her and proceeded to walk out along with her by keeping hand on her waist.

Jk touched Mr & Mrs Jeon's feets for taking their blessings. He said goodbye to everyone and left the house. Tae too went behind him. She accompanied him till the car.

Jk- What you want me to bring for you while returning back from work?

Tae- N..nothing...

Jk- I don't think so any dish named nothing exists.

Tae- I don't want anything. You just come back safe and secured.

Jk smiled at her and sat in his car. Both waved their hand at each other and parted their ways.

Tae went inside the house and got busy in her kitchen work.

Mrs Jeon- Tae you go and study. Your online lecs are there, right? I will do rest of the work.

Tae nodded her head and went to her room. She sat on the bed while staring at the bunch of books. Her mind is still occupied with the past incident. She shook her head and forwarded her hand towards one specific book; her favourite Women & Law.

Tae started to read the book with full concentration. She was gaining more and more interest as she was proceeding to read further.

Tae got soo much involved in the book that she didn't even realised when 3 hours already passed. She got out of her trance when someone knocked the door.

She got up to open the door and spotted Mrs Jeon with a plate of food in her hand.

Mrs Jeon- It's already lunch time dear. Here have your lunch first and then continue your studies.

Tae- Sorry Eomma, I totally forgot about it. You could have called me when you were preparing lunch.

Mrs Jeon- It's okay. Studies must be the first priority. I can manage the kitchen work and I will call you if I will need any help.

Tae- Thank you Eomma.

Tae smiled at her and took the food plate from her hand. She got back to her seat and continue to read the book while eating. She was soo engaged in the book that she doesn't wanted to leave it while eating as well.


At 6pm Tae got up from the bed. She kept her books properly on the table and went downstairs to prepare tea for everyone.

She made tea and handed it to Mr & Mrs Jeon. That's when the door bell rang diverting everyone's attention.

Mrs Jeon- Who's at this time? Kook never comes this early. Tae see who's there.

Tae nodded her head and hesitantly moved towards the door. She slowly opened it. To her surprise it was Jk but with one arm badly injured.

She looked at him with confusion.

Jk- Atleast let me come in.

Tae- B..but how this happened?

Jk- Let me sit first.

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