21. A little date💓

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Jk was lying on the bed shirtless and giggling while looking at his phone.

That's when Tae entered the room after doing the dishes. She glanced at the giggling Jk.

Tae- What's in your phone that you are giggling this much.

Jk- I am looking at my girlfriend's pic. So cute..... (said by keeping hand on his chest)

Tae raised her eyebrows and went towards him. She snatched Jk's phone to have a look at the person.

Tae burst into a huge smile looking at the photo

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Tae burst into a huge smile looking at the photo.

Tae- It's me. You still have this photo. I lost it years back.

Jk- I have your each and every photo then whether it's 1 year old Tae or 23 years old Tae.

Tae- Why do you have my childhood photos and when did you take it?

Jk- I have my own ways and the reason why I have them cuz I was in love with you since a long time. So it's obvious I do wanna have your everything and now I have you wholely and solly for myself. (said while pulling Tae on his lap)

Tae- You didn't even knew meaning of love back then.

Jk- Yaa maybe but still destiny made you only for Jeon Jungkook that's why at the end you came to me only.

Tae- Hmm, but I look really different in this pic. I didn't even wanted to wear this costume. Look how much jewelleries mom made me wear. I didn't liked this atall.

Jk- But you look cute though. Our kids will......

Jk stopped when he realised what was he gonna say. Tae felt hurt. She kept the mobile on the bed and was about to get up from Jk's lap but he circled his hand around her waist to not let her move.

Jk- I am sorry. I just forgot about it.

Tae- Why you are saying sorry? I should be the one to feel sorry for not telling you these things before marriage. Atleast you could be able to marry the girl who's not infertile like me.

Jk- But I would still choose you. It's not your fault for whatever happened and don't think negative. Science is way ahead than we think. I am sure we will surely have our own kids.

Tae- But don't keep your hopes high. You will feel bad later.

Jk- Why to feel bad? Adoption is also an option.

Tae- But you wanted to enjoy pregnancy phase with your wife.

Jk- We are unique so we will directly enjoy with the baby.

Tae- Hmm.

Jk- Btw tomorrow I have taken leave so we will go out somewhere in the evening and I won't hear no from your mouth.

Tae- B..but....

Jk- No buts and all Tae bear. (said sternly)

Tae- Okay. Where are we going?

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