18. All I want is you💖

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Jk didn't said about their argument to Mr and Mrs Jeon. He tried calling Tae to have a talk with her but she didn't picked her call; so he decided to give her some time.

It's been a week both didn't contacted each other. Now it was end of Jk's patience. He decided to go to Mr Kim's house and take Tae back.

He stood at their doorstep waiting for the door to get opened. The door was opened by Mrs Kim. She welcomed Jk with a smile and asked him to take a seat.

Mr Kim came from his bedroom as Jk came and joined him on the couch. Mrs Kim gave a glass of water to Jk.

Jk- Mom can you please tell Tae that I came to take her back.

Mrs Kim- Kook, did she agreed to go back with you?

Jk- She didn't talked with me yet. But it's her house. Eomma-Appa are asking about her.

Mrs Kim- Okay.

Mrs Kim went to Tae's room and asked her to pack her bag as Jk came to take her.

Tae- I won't go with him. Tell him get out from here.

Mrs Kim- He came here to take you back so better go with him.

Tae- How can you be so cruel mom? What if he will beat me?

Mrs Kim- He won't. You failed to understand him but everyone knows what kind of a man he is. He will never raise his hand on you.

Tae- Still I won't go.

Mrs Kim didn't said anything. She left from there after shaking her head at Tae.

Mrs Kim- I am sorry Kook. She refused to come with you.

Jk- Can I meet her?

Mrs Kim- Offcourse you can.

Jk stood up from the couch and proceeded towards Tae's room. He entered her room and saw she's lying on bed while scrolling through her phone.

Jk- I am sorry Tae bear. Please come back to our house.

Tae stood up from her bed after listening Jk's voice. She looked at him angrily and said,

Tae- Oppa I already told you I don't wanna continue this relationship. Why can't you understand? I wanna stay with my parents; that's it.

Jk- I won't force you for studies.

Tae- Oppa why you want me in your life. I am nothing infront of you. Just divorce me. After divorcing me you can even marry much educated and qualified girl. Find someone of your level unlike me. I won't be able to fulfill your needs. Please try to understand.

Jk- But I want only you cuz I love you Tae bear. Why can't you understand?

Tae- This love will vanish when you will come to know about...... (Tae stopped when she realised what was she gonna say)

Jk- When I will come to know about what?

Tae- N.. nothing...

Jk- What nothing? There is definitely something you are hiding from me. Please share with me Tae bear. I will try to help you if it's possible for me.

Tae- I said na it's nothing.

Jk- Then why you wanna stay away from me when I am the one begging here for you to come back to me.

Tae- Oppa please go from here. Just leave me alone.

Jk- I won't go untill and unless you agree to come back.

Tae- That will never happen.

Jk- Then I will also stay where my wife is.


Officer Jeon's Tae bearWhere stories live. Discover now