7. Visit to a special place 🧡

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I can't do this mom.......

A crying yelp was heard from one corner of Kim's house.

Mrs Kim- Nothing will happen baby. Don't think about anything negative.

Tae- Mom, this is wrong. He will feel cheated when he will come to know about it. I can't snatch someone's happiness.

Mrs Kim- You are not snatching someone's happiness. Just don't say anything about it till marriage.


Mrs Kim- W..what are you saying Tae? We never thought of you as are burden. Then why are you saying such thing?

Tae- Then what should I do, huh? He will anyhow come to know about it after marriage and then he will divorce me. After that you all will be really happy, right?

Mrs Kim- He won't divorce you Tae. He is a man of responsibility. Maybe you never looked at him as a man but everyone can see how much of a responsible person he is. He will never leave you.

Tae- A..and...w..what...I..if..h.he..d..did?

Mrs Kim hugged Tae while caressing her hair.

Mrs Kim- Then we will keep you to us and will never force you to get married again. But please try to give atleast one chance to this marriage. I am sure you will be happy with Kook.

Tae hugged her mom tightly while shedding tears. Tears dropped from Mrs Kim's eyes as well looking at her daughter.

That night Tae slept in her mother's arms. Mrs Kim kept on caressing her head all night to let her sleep calmly.


Next day Tae didn't got out of her bed. She wasn't feeling like to meet anyone. Mrs Kim bought her breakfast in the room itself.

Tae got up from her bed and went towards the balcony when she saw two butterflies chasing each other.

She giggled looking at the cute scene.

Jk came to meet Tae. He opened her room door and found her standing near the balcony giggling while looking at the butterfly. Her long hairs are open to his view. He felt the urge to roam his hands in her hairs.

 He felt the urge to roam his hands in her hairs

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Tae turned back at the sound of door opening.

Jk- Are you feeling alright?

Tae simply nodded her head at Jk's question. She went to the dressing table and tied her hairs in a bun.

Jk sat on her bed and signalled her to sit beside him but she didn't listened to him and stood near the dressing table.

Jk- What's wrong Tae bear? You can share with me.

Tae- It's nothing.

Jk- Did Jiminee said something to you?

Tae nodded her head as no.

Officer Jeon's Tae bearWhere stories live. Discover now