16. Lip kiss 😘

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It's been a week Taekook being into a cold war. Jk is still sleeping on couch. He avoided every single body contact with Tae and even stopped kissing her.

Tae felt bad at his ignorance. She tried talking with him but Jk only answered in either yes or no.

It's a weekend. Jk is lying on the bed shirtless watching a cricket match. Tae entered the room with a bowl of popcorn.

Jk immediately got up from the bed and sat on the couch.

Tae- Can we watch a movie together?

Jk- I am busy.

Tae- You are watching cricket match only. Please let's watch movie.

Jk- Do whatever you want.

Tae changed the channel and started a romcom movie. She took the chair and sat beside Jk.

Jk- Sit away from me.

Tae- Oppa please, you are being too much now. I didn't meant to hurt you. I am comfortable around you.

Jk- But I can still sense that you are uncomfortable.

Tae- What shall I do to make you believe that I feel alright around you.

Jk- I don't know.

Tae hesitatingly got up from the chair and sat on Jk's lap while wrapping her hands around his neck.

Jk- Tae bear get up. I know you don't like it.

Tae- Why? Are you uncomfortable now?

Jk- Not me but you are. So please get up.

Tae- I am not.

Saying this Tae leaned closer to Jk's face and pecked his cheeks. Jk closed his eyes feeling her soft lips on his cheeks.

He opened his eyes and saw Tae already looking at him. Jk smiled at her and cupped her cheek.

Jk- You don't have to push yourself for me. I am sorry. I reacted too much. But I just want us to be like a normal couple. We can take everything slow but you too have to initiate in this. I can't be the only one trying.

Tae- Okay.

Jk- Are you okay if I kiss you on lips?

Tae looked at Jk with wide shocked eyes but she calm down herself and nodded her head while looking down.

Jk- I will only do it if you are ready by your heart. You may refuse if you don't want it.

Tae- K..kiss...m..me.... (whispered lowly)

Jk cupped Tae's one cheek and leaned closer to her face. Tae closed her eyes due to nervousness. She hold Jk's shoulders in a tight grip. She can feel Jk's hot breathe on her lips and soon a soft pair of lips were placed on Tae's delicate ones. Jk too had his eyes closed.

 Jk too had his eyes closed

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