2. Mission Kook's wedding💍

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.....- Tae bear come and sit for studying. You have been roaming a lot these days.

A strict voice of a boy called for his cute, naughty friend.

Jk- Tae bear are you coming here or shall I come there?

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Jk- Tae bear are you coming here or shall I come there?

Even after calling for many times, Tae didn't came.

Jk- Aishh, now I have to bring that naughty bear here.

Jk stood up from his chair and went in the garden and found his Tae bear standing beside a tree with a sulky face.

Jk stood up from his chair and went in the garden and found his Tae bear standing beside a tree with a sulky face

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Jk- Now what's with this face, huh?

Tae- Honey Bunny Oppa, I don't wanna study. I wanna play. You too come here and play with me.

Jk- Since when you are playing?

Tae- Only four hours. (said by showing her cute little four fingers)

Jk- Only? Then let's study only for four hours.

Tae- Noooo. (saying this she started running here and there)

But Jk was fast enough to catch her and bring her inside the house. She was wiggling in his arms but Jk didn't let her go.

Jk- Come on sit here and open your book fast. (said sternly)

Tae sat down quietly and got busy reading her book. Jk too got busy in his studies.

Jk opened his eyes while coming out of his world. He sat on the bed while having his morning drink.

Jk- Aishh, I miss my old Tae bear.

He got up from the bed and wore his jogging dress.

Jk got down the stairs and greeted his parents and went out of the house.

He was about to go from there but spotted Tae in the garden; busy watering plants. She is again in a beautiful suit rather than jeans and top.

 She is again in a beautiful suit rather than jeans and top

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Officer Jeon's Tae bearWhere stories live. Discover now