27. My eyes are always on you 💜

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Tae entered in her third month of pregnancy. Jk appointed one maid who would look after household chores and take care of Tae behind him.

Right now Tae is busy studying cause of her upcoming exams. Even though she said yes to go to the college but internally she was scared as hell. She still wasn't able to forget that incident.

Ma'am may I go now? (Tae's maid; Sheela called)

Tae- Yes Sheela di you may go now.

Sheela- Okay, take care. I already made dinner. Have it first and then continue your studies. It's not good to stay empty stomach for so long during these days.

Tae- Yeah, Oppa might come anytime soon. I will eat with him.

Sheela- Okay, bye.

Tae- Bye.

Tae locked the door once Sheela left. She looked at the food and it was simple Rajma chawal. Even though Tae asked her to cook that but now she wanna eat something spicy or tangy.

She picked her phone and dialled Jk's number. He soon accepted her call.

Jk- What my baby wants?

Tae- Hubby, I am craving for something spicy or something tangy.

Jk- Okay, anything else?

Tae- Yes, I am hungry so come home fast.

Jk- Tae bear I already told you na eat your dinner on time. Hubby might get late baby.

Tae- Noo, I will eat with hubby only.

Jk- Okay, your wish my command. I will be home within few minutes. Till then enjoy with my little bean.

Tae- Okay, bye hubby. Love you.

Jk- Love you too bear.

Saying this Jk cut the call. Tae sat down on the couch and began to watch news. Today's headlines caught her attention.

Another girl from the city was kidnapped in the past one week. The number of girls kidnapping has increased a lot. The citizens are demanding quick remedy for the same. It's a big question on the police force as to why nobody is able to catch the person behind such mass kidnapping.

Tae's mind filled with fear reading such news. She flinched when the door bell rang diverting her attention.

She got up from the couch and walked towards the door.

Tae opened the door and sighed in relief on seeing her hubby infront of her.

Jk- Look baby what I bought for you. (said by showing two carry bags to Tae)

Tae- What's in this hubby?

Jk- I bought panipuri and tangy tamarind candies for you.

Tae- Aww, thank you soo much.

Jk got inside and kept the carry bags on the table.

Tae- I kept your night dress on the bed hubby.

Jk- Thanks Tae bear. I will come down after freshening up.

Tae- Okay.

Jk went upstairs while Tae started serving dinner for themselves. She unpacked the panipuri and her mouth watered looking at the tasty dish.

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Officer Jeon's Tae bearWhere stories live. Discover now