11. Kiss 😘

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Tae entered the bedroom after having dinner and spotted Jk lying on the bed shirtless while using his mobile.

Jk saw Tae but pretended to not know she entered.

She went towards him and hold her ears.

Tae- I am sorry Oppa for pushing you. But I am really not ready for those things.

Jk looked at Tae. He sat on the bed and pulled her down on the bed.

Jk- I am not asking you to get intimate with me atleast not untill you are ready by yourself. But you always get away from me as if I am some virus. I can atleast expect some romantic moments with me wife; don't I?

Tae nodded her head as yes while looking down.

Jk- Are you not comfortable with me? If that's the thing then do let me know. I will try my best to make you feel comfortable.

Tae- It's not like that. I..i...g..get........  nervous...f.for....t.those...t..things.....

Jk- You don't have to get nervous. I won't judge you. Just be yourself like you were in childhood.

Tae nodded her head as yes. Jk cupped her cheeks and made her look at him.

Jk- Now come on kiss me.

Tae widened her eyes at Jk's words. She shook her head as no.

Jk- On cheeks.

Tae bite her lips feeling nervous. Jk forwarded his cheek infront of Tae waiting for her to kiss him.

Tae- O..o..oppa....I..i....c..can't......

Jk- Come on Tae bear I am waiting.

Tae closed her eyes and nervously moved closer to Jk's cheek and placed a kiss there.

Tae closed her eyes and nervously moved closer to Jk's cheek and placed a kiss there

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Jk turned to face Tae. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

A small smile crept on Tae's lips feeling Jk's lips on her forehead

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A small smile crept on Tae's lips feeling Jk's lips on her forehead. He detached his lips and looked into Tae's eyes intensely.

Jk- Did you like it?

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