Chapter 44 : Love hurts

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I woke up to Brad lying next to me, luckily nothing happened, Don't get me wrong Brad is sweet but he ain't my type. "Morning" He smiled "Morning" I said as I climbed out the bed and walked over to my wardrobe, "Hey were you going" he pouted, "I'm going to work" I sighed. I grabbed my clothes and walked in to the bathroom and got changed. I walked back in to my room to see Brad getting dressed. "You know you talk a lot in your sleep" he huffed "I do?" I asked confusedly "Yeah about Nate.. I feel you still love him and your using me." he sighed

"I do still love him of course I do Brad, his my first love" I sighed. "I'm going Riley, when you find out who you want to be with let me know" he snapped walking out the door. I wonder why he is being like that, I was meeting Beckie and Steph at StarBucks. I was sitting at the table drinking my iced frappe "Heey Riley!!" Beckie smiled as she sat next to me and Steph sat on the other side "hey" I smiled, "So what's going on with Troye and Tyler?" I asked "Oh there a thing" Steph grinned, my jaw dropped to the ground. "Wow I wasn't expecting that, but they are cute I must admit" I laughed. "So what happening between you and Brad then" Beckie smiled nudging me "Wereid right not together, if that's what your both thinking, I still love Nate" I pouted. "Awee Riley, why not call him? or text him" she smiled.

" I can't I told him to not call me no more..and he hasn't" I pouted looking down "I'm sorry" she said giving me a hug, we went to the studio to rehearse scenes, Emily was the usual but half the people started to realize how much of a bitch she really is. The day went pretty quick and I was tired, I felt like my feet was about to fall of, I saw Beckie walk up to a young boy and started kissing him I was so confused I turned to Steph "Hey Steph who is that?" I said pointing at them both " Oh that's Beckie's boyfriend Austin "She smiled.

"Ahh cool" I said nodding "Well I think I'm going to get going back home, I promised Hunter to have a movie night with him" "Oh okay see you soon" she smiled "I'll see you later" I smiled, "I'll see you later!" I shouted over to Beckie she just waved while kissing Austin.

I walked in to the apartment to see the table full of snacks and pops enough to feed what like 5 more people. "Hope your hungry" said right behind me carrying more food "I am but are we going to eat all of this" I laughed. "Probably not" he giggled. I went upstairs quickly to get changed in to my Pajamas, I took note on what Beckie said, to ring Nate I wanted to soo badly but I just couldn't I clicked on his number and it started to ring.

Phone call :

Nate:Riley? is this you?

Riley: Yeah its me, I just wanted to know how you doing?

Nate:I'm doing great what bout you?

Riley:Im doing good thanks

Nate:Thats there anything else you wanted to ask me? or was it just a quick hi and bye?

Riley:Nate don't be like that.. please

Nate:Be like what Riley? I watched that video and I cried and then Madison told me you weren't coming back? it broke me

Riley: I'm sorry.. I really am

Nate:I got to go. bye

The phone call he really does hate me I guess, I went downstairs to join Hunter with this movie, which I wasn't taking notice of. I was starting to fall asleep until my phone was beeping it was a message that someone was trying to face time me, it was Tara, "Hunter I think I'm going to go to bed"I smiled as I stood up and went to my room, I called Tara.

Phone call

Riley: heey hun you tried ringing me?

Tara: yeah how are you ?

Riley:I'm doing great thanks what bout you?

Tara:Yeah I'm good...

Riley:Hows you and Levi going?

Tara: Were strong as ever

Riley: Thats good I'm really happy for you

Tara: Awe thanks, I miss you being here Ri, Nate does especially

Riley: I miss you too and I miss him loads

Tara:was you on the phone to him about an hour a go?

Riley:yeah why?

Tara: well when he hung up he went from happy to sad..

Riley: I only rang to see how he is doing..not to argue I promise

Tara: Ri.. do you still love him as in want him back?

Riley: yeah I really do a lot

Tara: I have the best idea ever, I am going to text you it as I can't exactly say as he is here.


We ended the call, in a matter of 5 minutes, I got a text of Tara

Message from Tara

Okay, so heres the plan, since you want Nate back and he wants you back, because it is birthday in about a few weeks as a suprise? he will love it! the gang isn't the same without you and Nate's always miserable xx

I had a think about it I mean it could be fun to go back, and it could give me a chance to actually try and get Nate back... lets just say he completes my life.

Message to Tara

Count me in :) let me know the time when and were :) xx

Message from Tara:

Brilliant!! this is going to be the best surprise for him! well if you can get here on his birthday? I think were planning a suprise party, but we will let you know when to come in and how it is going to be planned :) cant wait to see you again and for you and Nate to reunite xx

Is Riley going back to LA?! yes she is could this be a Niley reunion? I can feel it also if you want longer chapters comment and let me know :) we hit 1.4K I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

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