Chapter 81: Levi Finds out

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Tara's POV

Me, Riley,Nate,Levi,Austin,Drew,Taylor and Lily were going bowling, I loved bowling, I am still relieved that I'm not pregnant and I don't mean that in a bad way I'm still young and so is Levi and we both got our future a head of us, I know Riley is pregnant but she has her head screwed on she knows what she doing and she is more mature for her age. "Were meeting them at bowling" Levi smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, I turned round and and smiled as I wrapped my arms around him and placed a kiss on his lips "Lets go".

We saw Riley,Nate,Austin,Drew,Taylor and Lily waiting outside, well Riley and Nate were in a make out session acting cute like usual, Austin and Lily were in a deep conversation it was a good conversation because they were laughing but when I looked over to see Drew and Taylor they stood apart and wasn't talking "That's odd" I said to Levi as he wrapped his arm around me as we walked to the others "What's odd?" he asked "Drew and Taylor..they seem distant towards eachother" I said as we got to the others "Hey pal" Austin smiled as walked over to Levi giving him a man hug. As everyone hugged eachother we all headed in to the bowling lane, put on those shoes what we had to wear "I look like a clown" Riley laughed, we all burst in to laughter "Trust you Riley to say that" I laughed, We didn't split in to teams we just wanted to have a good time, It was my turn first and I only knocked down a few, then Riley took her turn and she got a strike "How do you do that" I asked "I don't know I just throw the ball and it knocks the skittles over" she laughed.

I noticed Taylor just sitting there with no expression on her face "Hey..Tay are you okay?" I asked as I sat next to her "I'm fine.." she nodded looking down "You don't look it.." I said as I put my arm around her "Drew still has feelings for Tia.." she started "Your do you know?""Well last night I confronted him about it..after we came from the cinema we headed to bed..and I asked him and he basically flipped out at me..and walked out the house" "Oh Taylor I'm so sorry. I gave her a tight hug "Come and join us it's fun and it will take your mind of things, trust me" I smiled as I stood up and took her hand "Thanks really do know how to cheer me up".

Levi's POV

I saw Tara talk to Taylor..I had a feeling it was about Drew..I walked over to Drew who was waiting for his turn "What's going of between you and Taylor" I asked him "She thinks and keeps asking me do I still have feelings for Tia" he said looking down "Well do you?" "I don't know bro..I think I do but I'm not sure..I felt hurt that she left..and I know I probably wont see her as much anymore" he said as he stood up and took his go, I sat back an checked my phone until Nate sat next to me "What was all that about?" he asked "Drew still has feelings for Tia..well he thinks he does.." I said as I looked down in to my phone "Tia still has feelings for him she told me and Riley when she was at ours" Nate said "I don't know what they are going to do..but either way Taylor is going to end up being hurt and it's not fair." I said. 

"So how things between you and Riley?" I asked "Going great mate..Everything is perfect" he smiled as he looked at Riley "What about you and Tara?" he asked as he looked back at me "Going great too although she has been acting kind of strange you have any ideas why?" I asked him  reason being because Tara tells Riley everything and Riley tells Nate that's how Nate and Riley work..they don't keep secrets away from eachother. I know Nate denied all that shit about Emily and kept it a secret from Riley..but everything has changed and I know Nate would tell me if anything is wrong.

"Well I do know something..but you haven't heard it from me" He said looking down "What is it?" I asked getting more curious "Well you know that night you lot played hide and seek? and then we was all playing XBOX? And Tara wanted to speak to Riley? and then the next the day the girls went to the mall?" He started "Yeah I do" I said nodding my head "Tara thought she was pregnant" "Really? are you being serious? your not joking " I gasped I looked up to Tara and she looked at me and smiled, I looked back down "Why didn't she tell me" I said feeling abit hurt the fact she couldn't tell me. "I don't know bro.." Nate replied. I stood up and walked up to Tara "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her, everyone went quiet, Riley was standing next to Nate as Austin and Lily stood next to them and Drew was next to Nate and Taylor sat back down.

"Tell you what?" she said "Don't try and lie Tara...why couldn't you tell me do you realize how much that hurts?""Tell you what Levi?" she said looking at me the at Riley and Nate "How come you didn't tell me that you thought you were pregnant" "I..I..don't know" she started as she was about to cry "How could you Riley? I trusted you.. why did you tell him!" she shouted at Riley "I didn't tell him.." she shouted.. "Well you must of because your the only person who knew" she shouted "It wasn't was me"Nate said speaking up "Look Tara don't shout or blame anyone else..I just wanted to know why.. I'm not mad or pissed I'm just hurt" I said as I walked up to her and gave her a hug.

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