Chapter 94 : Your Leaving?

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"What?" I said looking at her to say what are you talking about "You just said your leaving" Tara said "Oh..yeah well I have been thinking...that maybe it's for the best" I said looking down "But you can't leave..Riley I need you here your my best friend please don't leave because of Nate" she said getting all emotional "Tara..I don't know for sure if I'm leaving.. I feel torn because my bestfriends are here but then in London my sister is there and so my other friends "Do you want to leave?" Levi asked, I looked down and nodded "If that's what you want then..We will support you and be here whenever you need us" Levi smiled "I guess Levi is right.." Tara said looking down, I got up and attacked them with a hug "I will always come and visit you guys" I laughed "You best do Riley!!" 

The next morning I planned to meet Brad who was leaving today to go back to London with James,Tristan,Connor,Abby,Grace and Kirstie,  We met up in McDonald's I ordered a strawberry and lemonade smoothie, it tastes soo amazing!! "So what time are you leaving?" I asked him as I took a sip of my drink "In about 2 hours" he smiled "I'm going to miss you" I pouted "Awe really?" he smiled "Yeah I am because you been there for me through a lot and I'm just going to miss you " I smiled "You could always come to London or shall I say my hometown Birmingham and visit me"he grinned. 

"Yeah I could doo" he smirked "Actually..Um Brad I need advice" I asked looking down at my drink "Sure what is it?" he smiled as he took my hand "Well I don't know whether to move to London..I feel like this could be a fresh start for me like I could get a new apartment, a new know a fresh plus I will have Tia,Hunter,Troy,Tyler,Beckii all my other friends but then I feel torn because I will be leaving Tara,Taylor,Levi,Austin and Drew, I just don't know what to do" I sighed "What about Nate?" he asked me "What about him? he wish he never met me so I'm giving him what he wants..sort of " "Well if you want to start over go for is full of adventures and surprises you just don't know whats round the should do it only if its going to make you happy" he smiled.

"Thanks Brad that helped a lot" I smiled, After about an hour we decided to head back to his hotel were James and Kirstie was waiting in the lobby "You finally showed up" James laughed as he walked up to Brad and gave him a man hug before giving me a hug "Yeah I said I would meet up with Riley before we go" he smiled as he looked at me "How are you Riley?" James asked me "I'm getting there thanks what about you?" I said smiling "That's good and I'm great thanks", they was waiting for Connor,Tristan, Abby and Grace to come down in lobby which took 5 minutes. "Hey Riley I wasn't expecting to see you here.. are you?" Abby smiled as she came over and gave me a hug "I'm getting there and I came to see Brad go" I pouted.

"You two do look cute together" Grace smiled big "Don't get any ideas" I laughed "I have no idea what you are talking about" she grinned as she grabbed Connors hand. We all made our way to the car , the journey to the airport was small talk everyone was in there own deep conversations, Connor  and James and Tristan were and so was Grace,Kirstie and Abby, me and Brad sat in silence, I leaned my head on to his shoulder "I really don't want you to go" I whispered "I know but I have to but I will be back I promise" he said as he put his arm around me,I looked up "Please don't break that promise" "How about I promise this.. when you figured out what you want to do.. say if you decided to move to London I will be waiting at that airport for you" he smiled as he looked down "Thankyou" I smiled as I looked up, I cuddled back in to him with my head resting against his chest.

"You guys seriously do look cute together" Grace smiled "I know right" Kirstie smiled agreeing with her. "Guys were just good friends" Brad smiled "Really?" James said as he raised one eyebrow and bit his bottom lip "Yes really" I said as I playfully hit him. We arrived at the airport, James,,Connor,Tristan,Grace,Abby,Kirstie was about to go on the place I hugged everyone and said out goodbyes  until I got to Brad I stood face to face to him "Come on guys lets leave the two love birds to it" Tristan shouted as he grabbed Abby from behind and they attempted to walk like that on the plane. I looked at Brad and I felt tears were about to from.

"Aye come on Riley please don't cry" he said as he pulled me in to a hug I wrapped my arms tight around him "Thankyou for everything..I don't want you to go" I said as I started to cry, he started to rub my back,We pulled after a while and just stared in to eachothers eyes, I bit my lip as my eyes  traveled to his lips, I felt Brad pull me closer, he tucked some loose hair behind my hear, our lips connected, moving in sync. "Come on Brad we need to go" Connor shouted, Brad pulled away slowly and pressed his forhead against mine "I have to go" he whispered "I will see you soon" I whispered back, Brad started walking to the place, I stood there and waved, As I watched Brad leave i headed back to Tara's I sat down "Are you okay?" she asked as she sat next to me "I made my decision" I sighed looking down "What's that?" Levi asked "I'm leaving..I'm leaving to live in London"

Oh No Riley is leaving to live in London!! :(  Nate should stop her shouldn't he!!

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