Izuku ran his fingers over the scars that had blatantly painted his skin for life. Thinking of the things that led him to gain the marks. He had been more insecure about them lately and his mind was just not in the game. Ever since-
"Midoriya. I expect you to pay attention." Aizawa called out, stren. A book in his hands as he stood not too far from the green-haired boy's desk. He knew his student had been distant, and since attendance wasn't mandatory in their last year, he'd seen Izuku less and less.
Aizawa didn't mention anything, his grades didn't show any severe drops, and he still excelled in hero studies not to mention his performance during his internship. The man understood the behavior changes, Izuku had every right to process his grief but the time that period extended to was becoming unhealthy. Not to mention yesterday's excuse for him feeling tired...
For now, Aizawa would wait a little longer.
Izuku could feel the eyes of his classmates pinned on his figure. He hated being called out. He could thank his junior high school for that. He hated everything about himself, he thought he'd forgotten, gotten over all the shit he'd lived through. But even after years, he couldn't grow out of those old habits.
"I'm sorry, Sensei— I just spaced out for a moment." He stuttered, sinking deeper down in his seat. "Make sure it doesn't happen again." Aizawa said and continued with the lesson. Izuku desperately wanted to get out of the classroom. In one word; he felt suffocated.
Once the stares stopped and Aizawa turned his back on the class to write on the board, Katsuki slightly turned around, looking over to Izuku.
"Oi, Nerd, you good?" The blond asked quietly, he just couldn't get over how Izuku acted yesterday. And his growing protectiveness over Izuku didn't go unnoticed by the class, even though it was only yesterday.
"H-Huh? Oh..." Izuku looked up, surprised to hear the question coming from Katsuki "I'm fine, don't worry, Kacchan." he answered with a low voice.
As the greenette saw the pair red of eyes gazing upon his bruised knuckles on the table, he pulled them under the desk. I have to talk to him about that... He barely did anything in heroics class, no way those bruises are because of training. You better not be punching walls like me, nerd.
"Y-You should probably turn around... Aizawa Sensei might get mad..." Izuku whispered and with a sigh, Katsuki turned back around. As the lesson went on and on, the greenette thought of excuses to avoid being with his friends for lunch and before he knew it, the bell rang.
He closed up his pencil case, and the blank page on his notebook along with the untouched textbook stared at him before he shut the covers and put them under his desk. He reached for his phone next, only to find his pack of cigarettes in his blazer's pocket, I could really use one right about one.
"Deku-kun!! We're going to the cafeteria, are you coming?" Ochako jumped at his shoulders, startling him. "Oh, um... I have to get a proper stretch in before class, I'll meet you guys at the gym, is that alright, Ochako-san?"
"Yeah, okay... Don't forget to eat! See you then!" And she skipped over to Tenya, does she know something? Don't forget to eat?! Fuck, maybe I should... but all that greasy cafeteria food... makes me feel sick just thinking about it. He waved at Tenya and Ochako as they left the classroom, and relief washed over him when he looked around.
Aizawa was gone. No sign of Katsuki either, and he was all alone in the room, maybe I could smoke on the roof, no one's there anyway. Just twenty minutes then I'll go to the gym like I told Ochako.
"To the roof it is..."
The first cigar was smoked with paranoia, he'd never done it in school and he knew it was against the rules as well but no cameras meant no one would know. So he checked the time as he gulped down his entire bottle of water and lit the second. He felt like he was in a daze, he just looked up to the sky, no sound no people, it felt peaceful in a way. It wasn't too cold, the usual early October-

Frailty /Depressed! Deku x Bakugou/
Jugendliteratur/Depressed! Deku x Bakugou/ "Now then, tell me why you insist on denying something is wrong? You have been engaging in extreme self-destructive behavior; starving yourself, smoking your mind out, cutting yourself... So again, I ask you: Why don't yo...