Chapter 30

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Izuku spent the entire day hiding under the very garbage he'd cleaned all those years ago. He hid from Aizawa, he hid from the pro heroes he was sure had been summoned, he hid from Katsuki. He kept hiding; at some point, he'd dozed off, body no longer able to hold out.

The early sun woke him up, the light cutting off his peaceful slumber short. Izuku had the best sleep in over years by now, without a care in the world. He didn't have problems at this beach. It had been that way since the moment he'd first stepped foot on the sand.

He recalled the pack of cigarettes he'd bought on his way here and unwrapped the plastic, tossing it aside carelessly as he pulled one out. The greenette wasn't sure what brand he'd gotten, he didn't care either. He just wanted to feel that numbness taking over.

Once he'd lid up the tip, he inhaled. The first minute felt pointless but the next greeted him with dizziness. He hadn't eaten in over a day, no water as well; on days like these the smoking made him sick but this time it was different.

An entirely different sensation. The dizziness passed along as the tips of his fingers felt tingly, now his head felt heavier than his whole body. He could feel his eyelids getting weaker, he exhaled.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're fucking high, Midoriya." Izuku decided he could use the company as he breathed in another wave. "I'd offer you one but you wouldn't be able to take it." He said as a thick smoke left his busted lip, courtesy of Dynamight.

"Nah, I don't do smoking. Never have." The villain answered, looking at the crack that let the sunlight in, "The fuck you doin' here anyway. No one's gonna look for you here. Bet they've already checked and left. Typical. Thought you had a tracker on your phone."

"Yeah but it was in this extra chip so I just got rid of it also Hawks might still be patrolling the area, we're not a long way from his agency, I don't wanna go back yet." Izuku pointed out while putting out his cigar. "What're you doing here anyway?" No answer came, he guessed one for all was slipping on and off. His breath hitched.

So he left the pile and he wasn't sure why but he started running.

Izuku ran.

He ran till he couldn't. He imagined himself on the battlefield; his blood cold, his veins threatening to explode while his body seemed to believe him, believing his lies. His body was barely holding out so he activated his quirk, the sound of the waves crashing to the shore and the breeze became louder. And yet... he couldn't stop running.

Keep running. He demands, just keep running. He felt tears rolling down his cheeks, shaking but still refusing to stop. Trying to reach one for all, desperately but then he started coughing, violently.

It was enough to make him lose focus, so he tripped. He wasn't sure if it was a rock or he just tripped over his own two feet but he rolled and hit the walls separating the beach from the rest of the city. His back arched as he yelped in pain. But that quickly turned into a shiver-sending laughter once he coughed again and saw blood, his blood, staining his palm.

He dragged his finger against his nose and felt it gushing a river.

"Oops, would you look at that, hero. You're making quite the mess."

A sick part of him didn't want the villain to disappear into thin air. "Didn't think it'd happen this soon..." he muttered, coughing up more blood, he was getting woozy, he felt sick. "Ironic... this beach is where I got my powers and now that same power... the one that actually gave me a life is also the thing taking it from me..."

I don't wanna die here... on my own...

"I just don't wanna be alone, All Might... not like you were."

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