Chapter 3

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Kacchan refused to let go of my arm as we made it to his room. I was glad he insisted on staying together tonight. My arms and thighs were itching to me sliced. Fuck...

I needed my blades. I knew myself, if I didn't do it now... I would end up losing control over the cuts the next time that the urge would hit and someone could find out.

"We can sleep or do some other shit, we're gonna do whatever you wanna, nerd."

Just as I parted my lips, my stomach growled. I covered my lower body as my face turned to a shade of dark red from embarrassment.

"Have you eaten dinner?" He asks, one brow rising as he crosses his arm and leans back on the wall while I stand there like a bunny in headlights.

I haven't.

"Of course I've had dinner."

"But you were out training one for all in the ground beta while the whole class had dinner together."

I bet they didn't even notice I was missing. I'm not worth remembering.

"I ate after I got back, in my dorm."

He was walking towards me. I gulped, knowing he's onto me and probably is gonna figure out I'm lying. Oh boy...!

He wouldn't force me to eat, right?

I haven't eaten since yesterday morning! If he figures it out, I'm done for it.

Shit shit shit shit-

Kacchan was starting through my soul and I backed up even further, both physically and mentally.


He's lying.

I look at Deku with both anger and fear. Worry... I suppose that's the word I'm looking for. I know he's lying but I just can't figure out why.

Walking towards him, I grab his arm and stare daggers into his soul. Maybe he will talk now.

"Yeah? And what did you have for dinner then?" I ask, he shifts his gaze from me to the floor. He's sweating, shifting, his hands are unsteady. He's going to lie again.

"I... I wasn't very hungry so-" he makes me let go of his arm and continues.

Thats seems to be true. But he trained for two hours and that's only on his fucking own. We had team work training a few hours prior.

"So I had a-a protein bar a-and an apple with a shake." Deku fiddles with his fingers as his body shifts uncomfortably.

You hate protein shakes, Deku. Why are you lying to me?

"Alright, I'll let it slide this time." I muttered and pull him to sit on the bed. "But we're gonna have a nice fucking breakfast tomorrow and I'm cooking so don't try to go for a morning run or anything. Got it?"

He nods and signs, "Y'know, you don't have to do that..." he inhales a shaky breath and keeps on going, "I don't understand why—"

"Why what, Deku? Why I fucking care?" I raise a brow, making eye contact, "If that's it then don't bother saying anything else."

I hope you understand why I have to do this, Izuku.

"You've been... off. As I said before and it bothers me to see you in such shit state both at mind and physical. You stopped taking care of yourself."

His eyes widen and swell with tears. I pull him into a soft hug, feeling how hard his heart beats against his chest, "Talk to me, I'll be here. Anytime you wanna. I... I fucking promise, nerd."

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